Food for thought


Well-Known Member
If common sense can't prevail a logical video (even if it's rap) is wasted. The rich want this illegal. You see they are investing in it and have been since I started smoking. That was 1963.


Well-Known Member
Facts don't matter when you have lobbyists lining politicians pockets with millions of dollars. Let's be real for a minute. Big pharma would hate to see it legal, you know how many people would STOP using prescription medication? They would definitely lose millions of dollars. Tobacco would also take a big hit. It's about greed, simple as that. Get marijuana lobbyists paying off politicians it would be legal in a month. People continually talking about how good it is for you, how the Deceleration of Independence was written on hemp. None of that matters, nobody cares. Money sways votes. Money and ignorance.