Food color for the plant???


Active Member
Hay i herd that you could add food color to the water that u give the plant and it would effect the plants color, could you really do this?? If so would it effect the plants health and growth? :confused:


Active Member
Ok iv decided to go with a blue food die and see how my cali kush comes out, If any1 has any other color they might want me to try so they can see how the plant turns out, just let me know.:hump: :peace:


Well-Known Member
its like in elementary school when you soaked the celery stalk in water with red food coloring.. as the plant drew the red water up through it the celery stalk itself did what?? thats right, turned red.. if you feed your plant heavily colored water it will eventually turn that color.. it might not be like bright blue or bright yellow or whatever color you choose.. but it will definatly change the color of it.. and if you do it during flowering guess what, you'll get colored buds... but whoever said something about why would you want to change the color has a point... the plants are so beautiful the way they are.. why fuck with them at all??


Active Member
I just wanna try it, and see how it turns out and i went with blue, if you go and look at my grow journal you can watch as the plant changes 2 blue. I update pics every day and when the plant is finally done i will put all the pics togather in the end of the journal.


Well-Known Member
I read on another thread on other forums growers that tried this same thing,maybe someone here has talked about it but everyone says it makes the smoke taste like shit.That's why a lot of people don't do it,most of us learned this in 1rst grade and no one tries it for a reason,but I havent tried it on any cannabis plants myself so let us know what happens if you still want to try it.


Here's the deal. If you're doing this to make your bud look beeter than it truly is your doing it for the wrong reason.

Now, if you're changing the plant color because one of the primary ariel survelience techniques is hyper spectral imaging, I'm all for it.
To me, harshness can be cured, color ends up as ash but the man will have my ass in jail if he sees green!


Here's the deal. If you're doing this to make your bud look beeter than it truly is your doing it for the wrong reason.

Now, if you're changing the plant color because one of the primary ariel survelience techniques is hyper spectral imaging, I'm all for it.
To me, harshness can be cured, color ends up as ash but the man will have my ass in jail if he sees green!
Ah, so you're saying that if the bud is not green then the authorities won't be able to tell it's ganja? :)) Sorry, but it's a bit funny to me. Why don't you save yourself the trouble of dying the buds a different color and just grow some purple haze or something that by it's nature has a different bud color? I'm sure the cops won't be able to tell that it's herb. :))))))