followup on the purple question


Well-Known Member
follow up i posted a question a couple of day ago about this purple i got i think its kush.but yea my questiion was how to grow it outside inside cold climate alot of feedback..n i also stated that the plant was only a month old n it was already showing hairs n some bud. some ofthe guys helped me out alot n told me that i need to change the daytime/darktime around cause before i was lettin it get way more dark time then day/light im doin indoor,if u ask. soo i changed my cycle around for that one day n left the light on for 24hours. i said would try to post pics n i got some for u. i really havent noticed a change yet i hopeits back in vegitation state n can keep growing.illl be pissed if i stunt the growth cause the plant was lookin great. it sitll looks healthy by the way wat do u guys think?



Well-Known Member
I'm not quite clear on what you're asking, BUT, I can see the buds, damn! :lol: Little fucker wants to make flowers, huh? To get it back to veg (and, I'd wanna grow it up to about.. I don't know, 12"-18" at least before putting it into flower, but ask around, too, others may think otherwise depending on your space and all that) you'll want to put it on that 24/0 photoperiod UNTIL it starts new leaf growth. I might want to clip off the buds so they don't rot, too, but someone else may know better on that (I've only had buds on clones taken while flowering, and those began to rot because of the humidity).

:D You know this one'll make Super Frosty Nugs TM.


Active Member
man this is constructive criticism but i cant tell what in the hell ur asking... and u got things all f'd up... most likely, that plant shouldn't be flowering at that height.... i mean ya its possible but.... anyways.. for veg growth, do 18 hours light... when ur plant gets anywhere above 12 inches, you can force it into flowering by changing the light schedule to 12 and 12. (12 on 12 off) not sure what light ur using but u need to adjust the distance from the light and plant accordingly.. as for your soil... again i have no clue what ur using. however it must have good drainage so that your roots can breathe especially if your a first grow because otherwise chances are that you will overwater. while in the seedling stage, use a quarter to half strength of fert which is high in nitrogen. this also improves female tendencies. when flowering use nutes low in nitrogen and high in P and K. also use some molasses at the end if you want to fatten buds a bit. around a tbsp or so in a gallon of water. gives buds carbs and some say even a sweeter taste.

hopefully this clears some things up... lemme know if you have more ?'s


Active Member
there ARE some auto-flowering strains however they are pretty rare and you would probably know if you had one... But even if you did have one of those, i would imagine the plant would get bigger than that before it flowered. best of luck



Well-Known Member
thanks alot guys..yea i got the bulbs pretty close but not to the poin that it will burn the useing 2 GE 26watt cool white bulbs maybe i did goo a lil bit over board with the watering..imma let it dry out for a lil bit intil the next watering is needed. im kinda scared to clip off someof those buds i dont wanna fuck it up but hey imma see wats up.. for soil im useing SUPER SOIL POTTING SOIL..yea sounds cheap... i just started useing that two days ago before i was useing GENERIC KMART soil..with some maricle grow. n i got a new big pot for it now that its sittin in (IN PICS) before i was useing those 40stack rw cd tubes n i cute holes at the bottom but wat im thinkin is it might of got root rot..


Active Member
ya man u need to get quality soil thats a major thing... and mix it with vermiculite or somethin...when u get better try using coco too that shit does wonders. also dont use miracle grow it sucks dick for quarters. stick with FoxFarms soil and ferts!! ;)