Foliar feeding.


Active Member
hello. well, just some share time. i have been foliar feeding on an on/off mode, for a couple years. the "base" i use, is called "spray-n-gro". its been around for years, in the veg/flower industry. and, while it only "lists on the bottle" as containing a whopping .10% iron. and .05% zinc. wow. what a list! it says to use either their fert in it, or one of "our choice". my plants like it. they really perk up. i do it in the dark (green lights), so no burn will take place. the thing is, that i thought it was odd, that its reportedly so good on stuff. yet no ingredinets. well, the reason is, they are TO NUMEROUS, TO LIST ON THE BOTTLE!! mico nutes by the ton. look it up. and, my latest choice of the add in, is norwegion kelp. 0-2-0, with lots of mics in it as well. no numbers to speak of. but good insurance, against ANY deficientcy that may happen. i do this ounce a week. or try to. you can do it twice a week, if your a mind to. whats cool, as you can choose your own secondary, to ad in. i also use their wetting agent. how many times, i have done this, and sat, back, with my bong, and witnessed the ...."ATTEN-TION!" reaction i get from the girls. from cups to two weeks before harvest. i like it. they like it. and, the outdoor girls likes it just as much. just thought id share. and, its very economical.


Well-Known Member
I've been using the perfect blend (bills perfect fertilzer, spray-n-grow, and cocowet) for 5 years now... great stuff highly recommended...