Foliar feeding MG?


Well-Known Member
Do you think it would be fine if I sprayed a clear plastic cup with MG and placed it over my plants? They seem to have N,P, and K deficiancies even though I have MG soil? anyway this would only be temporary to get nutes to my plants.

ALSO would too high temps turn a stem red? Cause one of my plants has a deep red stem and its growth has slowed. I think it may be because of the heat:confused:


Well-Known Member
I'm not really sure of the temps. but I'm positive it's too hot near my plants:cry: Do you think just the heat would turn the stems red/stunt growth? If thats the problem then I'm gonna go buy a quieter fan. (the one I have now is LOOUUUDDD).


Well-Known Member
How old are your plants & what is your runoff water PH? Sounds like it could be a ph problem if you are experiencing that many deficiencies. Ive never had plants go red/purple from heat just from the cold.


Well-Known Member
My red plant is only a week or so and my other plant it about 3 weeks in. I have two more sprouts just in case my plants die:cry: I'll check the PH of the runoff water in a minute or so luckily it's time to water my stunted one.


Well-Known Member
Don't foliar feed with MG, it will burn. Your MG box comes with a warning specifically telling you not to leaf feed indoor plants.

Just use plain water, or better yet, catch some fresh rain water in a clean container and use that to foliar feed.


Well-Known Member
well my I moved the lights back a little and they're showing slight improvment (only been 30ish minutes). But yeah my runofff water ph is around 7.3:cry: Any tips on lowering the ph?


Well-Known Member
Flush the soil with water, but first get some ph down, or i think vinager will work...not sure...look it up. Flush the soil with 5.5-6.0PH'd water.


Well-Known Member
Flush the soil with water, but first get some ph down, or i think vinager will work...not sure...look it up. Flush the soil with 5.5-6.0PH'd water.
I wouldnt go with a ph of 5.5 in soil your just going to cause more lock out. The best ph for soil is 6.8 that is were the most nutes can be absorbed by your roots, for hydro 5.8. I hope you arnt using mg on your plants especially the youngest one it is way to young for that. imo you should consider repoting in different soil if you are in the us foxfarm is good. MG has slow release nutes which can be to harsh for young plants. Also you have no idea what levels of what are being released. As far as flushing use 3 times as much water as the volume of soil eg 5 gallon use 15 gallons of water. You can get ph down at most hydroponic stores. You could use vinegar if you have to but be careful and obviously never add directly to the soil. good luck


Well-Known Member
6.5 for soil, 5.5 for hydro work well, does this MG soil "Feed plants for three months" or something similar? They have pellets of fertilizer in the soil that the roots break through then they get poisoned by the excess nutes. If so I'd transplant into some better soil.

What lights are you using?
Have you given them any nutrients?
What are the temps? A thermometer is $1 and worth every penny.
Can you post pictures? It would help a lot.

Temps should be 70-80 without CO2 and you can get away with 80-90 with CO2.


Well-Known Member
I have to say:

I used the 3 month MG soil and also foliar fed with MG for a while with my frist grow...

Had nothing but good results lol

2nd grow is completely different :)


Well-Known Member
6.5 for soil, 5.5 for hydro work well, does this MG soil "Feed plants for three months" or something similar? They have pellets of fertilizer in the soil that the roots break through then they get poisoned by the excess nutes. If so I'd transplant into some better soil.

What lights are you using?
Have you given them any nutrients?
What are the temps? A thermometer is $1 and worth every penny.
Can you post pictures? It would help a lot.

Temps should be 70-80 without CO2 and you can get away with 80-90 with CO2.
-I have 4x20w cfl's and 1x26w cfl's at the moment.
-No because they're in MG soil
-temps...not sure, I need a thermometer.
-Pics? yea I'll get them right now

edit: I think the MG nute burn thing is overhyped, or some people just get lucky.

blurry pics:
