Foliage curled - claw?

Have some ladies that came out of my cloner! I damaged the roots as they had grown around the collars. Been in veg under 1k Hps, ebb and flow in 6" rw cubes. Ph 5.8 - 6.4 with dyna-gro, not a huge fan. Does this look like the claw?? I don't know what else to do, have flushed and started fresh? Any ideas? Also thinking about switching back to fox farm nutes any thoughts? Thanks2011-12-04_20-53-56_706.jpg2011-12-04_20-54-10_11.jpg2011-12-04_20-51-58_730.jpg2011-12-04_20-53-49_66.jpg


New Member
I had the same curling issue on new growth. I flushed my medium an let her get good and dry afterwards, cleared right up.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Ever see someone born with a badly deformed hand? It happens in plants as well. I'd let it go and see what's up with it. I had a fasciated plant once (google that, too long an explanation) and it was cool as hell. gave up some great smoke as well.


Well-Known Member
I would recalibrate your meter. It's certainly not Dyna-gro's fault. You have a deficiency caused by pH being out of range.
Thanks for all the replys, come to think of it I never calibrated either of my meters just used them straight out of the box? Blue lab ph and ppm, should these have been calibrated by me? Guy at dro store says they should be good? Thanks again for the quick replys, will look into any and all ideas!

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I just noticed that you said they were clones, Did you by any chance take the clones from a plant in early to mid flower?
@bam - the lights are about 36 to 42 inches away I thought heat stress to going from cloner under t5 to under 1k watt??
@ jack - no these ladies were taken off of my mother tho it almost looks like she has pr-flowers in veg, these r ww and I have been feeding mother a and b?
@bk - I flushed a week ago and stuff started looking better gonna flush again today if I ever quit shitting!

Ph was at 6.4 this am and 610ppm but that is as high as I have seen my ppm using dyna
Well found some white brownish sludge in the res last night around my air stone, after consulting with a friend I think folks what we have is pythium root rot. So I haven't watered in over 24 hours as my cubes are still wet! Any ideas on a solution? Gonna flush with h2o2 tonight??


Active Member
Flush with the h2o2 for now and clean everything really good. Next time get away from that shitty rockwool whatever you do!