Fogoponic Hybrid Experiment, Need Ideas


Well-Known Member
hey so i've been looking around and reading a lot about fogging systems. Seems they run great for propogation but lack the capacity to maintain healthy growth through bloom due to the inability to transport much of the nutrients (mainly only micronutrients due to their size?). I haven't been able to find much so this is for anyone who as experience with using fog (not mist).
I will be growing 6 GDaddy Purps plants in a 45"x88"x92" area using an LST method running a 400w mh for veg, hps for bloom. Here is my idea:
I would like to use a fogging technique and hybridize it with something such as dwc, ebb and flow, aeroponic misting or spraying, nft, top feed, something. Fogging seems to be wonderful for encouraging ridiculous root growth and for providing oxygen to the roots. It makes sense to me that coupling this technique with another would yield even better results than either of them alone, since maximizing oxygen in the root zone increases a plants ability to take nutes in, but the question is which two and the logic.
I was thinking ebb and flow. I think if I could use fogging to maximize the root mass, thus providing more surface area to contact when flooding, it would allow for more nutrient uptake. My question for this is how to deal with the nutes. Do i use two different solutions, since apparently fogging may not be the best for delivering higher nutrient concentrations? Feeding schedules, that sort of stuff.
Also, I was thinking maybe the best would just be to combine it with aeroponics. My only concern would be, given that fogging will generate more root mass, would aeroponics still provide the best nutrient availability? Or, does the large surface area of the roots make it more efficient to flood them with ebb and flow than the added oxygen and ease of nutrient absoprption due to droplet size in a spray system. If I go with aero, I think I'll have the feeding schedule dialed, but still would like to hear suggestions.
I was also thinking maybe top feed drip. No reason for that one that I can explain, just a thought that hopefully one of you can run with.
Last thing, I read a little about different feeding schedules during day and night, on the basis that energy is used more for upward growth at day, and downward more at night. Something about storing sugars produced by chlorophyll or something, and how that affects bud sizes later on (in turn how root size affects bud size). New to the idea of implementing it into my grow, so any ideas would be great.