
Can't win for losing. I know the feeling, good luck on everything. Couple summers back I took a few days to go camping(first time off in years) and I came home to failed sump pump and 4-6" of water. Hang in there brother. Maybe on the lighter side you'll end up w/ a generous ins. pay-out.
Shark Bite.
Somewhat expensive; but use SharkBite fittings with whatever type of pipe you need to repair.
It works with any type of tubing or pipe, and is toolless and secure.
Get some pipe wrap for that area for once you fix it to keep it from re-freezing.
You don't want to shut down the rest of the plumbing system for very long as it might freeze elsewhere.
If you must leave water off: open all faucets and try to drain through taps at low point like basement.

If you have carpet - pull the pad and discard it.
Stick a rental blower under a corner the rug after removing pad to stop mold and mildew.
Can't win for losing. I know the feeling, good luck on everything. Couple summers back I took a few days to go camping(first time off in years) and I came home to failed sump pump and 4-6" of water. Hang in there brother. Maybe on the lighter side you'll end up w/ a generous ins. pay-out.

Your Avi - Cuttlefish ?
yeah im pretty sure it must have been a faulty pipe..if itnfroze then it froze in the middle of my upstairs. huge hole in ceiling. $ 1000 deductible. will rip ip carpet. thanks marty
Sorry to hear Fattie, This holiday has probably been the worst for me ever. I hope you get everything fixed cheaply, quickly and easily.
This one time in the beginning, when I only had a particulate water filter instead of an RO, I left the damn thing on and filled my basement with a foot and a half of water overnight. I was broke so I had to use a 10 gallon trash can to carry the shit up the stairs and out the door. God damn that sucked, took all day and I was in a world of pain the next day.
sounds like we could all use a pick me up lol
apologies for the whining type thread. very fortunate I arrived home when I did. could have been alot worse. thanks all!
Fuck that!
I want to whine man.

I shit the bed last night.
Cut a fart that woke me up with wet drawers.
You think you have problems?
Jesus Fuck I hit the comforter...
Wine? I got a whine for ya!!! Had to sit quietly behind the CPS caseworkers in court. My teeth where chattering I was shakin so bad. I have a very hard time with impulse control.
Oh and it was my birthday. At least all the voices in my head wanted the same present.
Goodluck Fatty!
I never pay my deductible on a vehicle. A good bodyman finds a way to make the insurance pay it. Just sayin ;)
hahah thanks fellers
that sounds rough marty maybe nursenancy can check it out?
i say screw it, let it freeze over, hockey in my living room
Fuck that!
I want to whine man.

I shit the bed last night.
Cut a fart that woke me up with wet drawers.
You think you have problems?
Jesus Fuck I hit the comforter...

LMAO!! What a shitty way to be woken up :-)

At our age we can no longer trust farts Marty...
hahaha I was so out of it I didn't even realize what marty had saidapologies to the nurse ridin out the storm w no water and no nugscar recovered from snowbank so that is a plus!