fml Help!!!! Plants wWltering Pics Inside


any one can plz help me out by telling me what might be causing the plant to wilter im running it under cfl's and the ag light also in a small cabinet with 2 small fans one in and one out i just started flushing it since it began to wilter any idea ? ph is fine also by the way ..this happend after transplanting it to the ag IMAG0047.jpgIMAG0048.jpg
its needs daylight cfl's as a overhead light and side light's and if its a new transplant it might just be a little stressed aka transplant shock also check your water temp.


Well-Known Member
The4ekdon: what are you growing in and what's the temperature and humidity of the immediate area? Also how close are your CFL's? Florescent lights have to be real close but not all CFL's are the same. Some of those cheap Chinese curly lamps get pretty hot. Do you have them in reflectors? We'll need some pictures and or a lot more information to probably be able to help. HSA