
lucky one

wondering how long after a flyover someone would generally know if they were hit.
i know its a broad question, but if we could share some of our experiences maybe some of us could rest a little better - or not. thanks.


the methods vary Depending where you are. in Cali usually they drop rite into the plots as soon as they see them and start ripping if its a small patch or a bunch if seedlings. but if its a huge grow they take down the GPS info, and they alert another team on the ground what the GPS is and they drives or hikes in to clear the plants.
there was a show on it that showed them tearing down gardens left and right. there mostly looking for what they call Mexican Mafia Grows. they clear lots of land to plant use nutrients from mexico that has stuff in it you do not want seeping into your water shed. these are 100,000 plant gardens the mexicans figure why grow it them smuggle it into the states. when they can grow it in the states and have no worries about smuggling. but they leave the land a huge mess garbage all over from there cans of food empty bags of nutes ect. they will have a bunch of people who live out there for 3-4 months. doing all the garden work.

lucky one

thanks for the info. The more people share what they know on this the better off we are as a community. keep em comin folks!