Flying High Noobie..

All jest aside, hello everyone here that happens to be passing thru my lil blurb of introduction...there is a lot of experience and knowledge here for the people to grow from in more ways then one and not have to give over to the dealers..this helps the cause as it spreads into the grass roots of humanity and makes possible for everyone to have regardless of economic position .We get by with a little help from our friends , we try with a little help from our friends, we get high with a help from our friends. amen. So here's to ya who ever you may be.
Hey Dr., Loved the video ty...
Enjoyed what ? I hope I am at 'least' the jungle that I live in cougars rule lol
Such a great time to be a older all we need is a little legislation on the green..
This might be introduction porn...I better shut up whilst I am ahead. Oh Lord please dont let me be misundrstood....haha