Fly agaric and quebec


Well-Known Member
Hello all, this weekend I am going to the Jacques Cartier River Valley to hunt for the P.Quebecensis but this time i will do a full day instead of just a few hours... I just had a little question.. I've been having a hard time to find out IF the Fly Agaric grows in CANADA, if so.. WHERE!?? I've read information on how to not mistake this mushroom with look alikes. My real question here is, is their any Fly Agaric somewhere in QUEBEC?


I love that you are shroom hunting, because that sounds like a great day. I am a little concerned about your safety though. I would not hunt for shrooms unless I was a expert or had a expert. There is no room for error when it comes to shroom hunting..... it wont be like "whoopsie daisy".... more like a painful live failure and maybe death
Way north in canada..and please just order a kit and grow your own can get fly agaric in head shops in the states..or go to walmart and get a pressure cooker,order spores from microsupply,and do it'll be safer on many levels.
thanks so much guys :D , yeah you guys should trust i will be googling a whoooole lot before i ingest and also uploading to many forums to make sure i've got the right one. And yeah of course i could grow them myself but... wheres the fun in that?? :):):) I appreciate your concern guys!!! Once i get the shrooms i wanna collect the spores and recreate at home:)
This is a fairly easy one to Id. I don't know if they have ever been domesticated but why would you want this experience when others are infinitely better in every respect?
Not much to explain they can commonly be found on the edges of pine forrests , I believe they grow on burred rotten wood

In my area I can spot them doing 80 down the HWY, their realy one of the largest mushrooms that grow with orange caps at this time of year , and in masses . So A preliminary id is easy to make
