

Active Member
i got me 2 white dwarf autoflowers. they are about 10 days from chop, i think anyways, i am colorlind and tric viewing is well tuff to say the least. they turned 54 days old 2day. of what lil info i could find on here about this strain harvest is @round 65 days.
question is when to flush?
would i flush now or wait?
after i flush how often should i water?
getting close dont wanna fuck it up.
took some pics but for the life of me i couldnt get great shot showing buds and hairs. 90% of hairs still white and none have receeded for w/e thats worth.

i did research using flushing as the keyword in search so u can save the do some reseaarch b4 you post comments. i have found usseful info about flushing, i m not finding info on what to do after you flush.
i bought molasses, i bet i have 1o days to go(wish i had 20). i am readdy

hmmmm wont let me upload picss.......


Well-Known Member
Flush two weeks before harvest. Water regularly throughout this period, making sure not to over water. Let the plants dry out and water thoroughly, let them dry out, water thoroughly..... I always hold off on water before the harvest and let them dry out really well. I will sometimes withhold water for 5-6 days before harvest.

But you do want to start your flush and don't harvest too early. Don't go by schedules - they're too many factors that makes these schedule inaccurate. Go by trichs or simply by the look of the buds. I'd bet you're planning on harvesting too early, even without seeing pics.


Active Member
thanks!! perfect reply.
idefinitely will not harvest too early. i want couchlock, i want the leaves curling chnging color. looking forthe buds to look done as well. tric viewing as well, but its tough being color blind, might have to bring a buddy in. from what i see i could chop now but i want couchlock plus i want a good flush.


Yeah if youve been using chemical fertilizers give her a good flush, id say bout 2 or 3 gallon of water per gallon of soil when you flush, but if organicaly grown id just stop feeding her but continue to water as before just without the nutes. Dont let her dry out too much like dude said if she is a fem because why do you wanna stress her to maybe influence some banana growth? But for reg itll maybe increase the trichome production but definately deminish yield. And about the last watering before harvest dont wait 5 or 6 days, she'll wilt and tip over, bout 2 days to 3 is plenty and all it does is help your drying time, but if your in a hot climate then i advise against this. Water until you harvest, since, itll slow the drying time and help out with the smoothness,burn and taste of your smoke. The slower the dry the better, ok my growfriend, laugh(thumbs up), keep it growing and good luck! -syze-


well itd help if i said when?? like you asked .. id say to flush about 7-14 days before harvest, before you PLAN to harvest that is, if it does happen to go over 3 weeks because you mistimed the flush, then dont worry, its not a mistake your plant has a huge backup of nutes and this is really true with soil, doesnt matter how much you flush the soil, it still holds on to enough