Flushing with Sulfur Water?

so my only water source for my grow op is well water that had a mild amount of sulfer in it. its time to flush and I want to know if flushing with the sulfer water will affect the smoke.

any input is much appreciated


Well-Known Member
so if i get what ur saying, u have used this water the entire grow? and r wondering now if the flush will impart its taste into ur final product?

i think it is much of what u believe. u must believe the 50% that flushes because they believe it makes for a smoother smoke. while the other 50% (like me) does not flush & believes the smooth is in the cure. if u have used the water all this time, what would be the difference, that is what u should be asking urself.

to answer u simply: I would not worry about it...after all it is simply water! does salty rain water come through the taste/smoke of the plant grown outside? of course not :) flush or not, ur good to go.


Well-Known Member
Flushing to effect for a smoother smoke or remove nutrients is a forum myth. thexception is in the 50% like me. So I wouldn't worry about using the same water they grew in if you do even flush pre-harvest. Here is a good thread on it.
The Truth About Flushing
no I havnt been using that water the whole time I have found other water for the grow. the problem is I need so much at one time I'm going to have to use the tap. I don't know how sulfur affects plants at all....


Well-Known Member
why not research it on google? sulphur is one of the elements ideally needed for growing mj...in small amounts of course.