Flushing??? what are your thoughts?


Well-Known Member
I have recently been reading an article in URBAN GARDEN MAGAZINE.
Granted this is talking about tomatoes but i figured MJ wasnt that different.

In this article it talks about flushing with plain PH'd water to actually be bad for the plant due to the fact that the plant has been sitting in a normal or high EC medium. It also says it is not recommended to do this it causes the plant cells to suddenly take up huge volumes of water because the osmotic pressure has been droppedin the root zone which can cause cells to burst and create major physiological problems. Splitting of tomatoe fruit is one common one many other fruits and vegetables do the same thing. Even a low strength nutrient can do this, any changes in EC in the root zone should be done slowly (ie over days) so a gradual dropping back of the EC over a few days should be done rather than flushing with water. Or better still dont let EC build up in the first place.

was just wondering what everyone else thought about this. Obviously if you dont let EC build up too much in the first place then great you wont suffer but there are some people that do and imediately flush with vast amounts of water.
I do realise that a flush pre harvest and plain ph6 water makes for a cleaner taste in MJ but this has got me questioning my flushing methods as i normally FEED FEED FEED FEED FEED flush FEED FEED FEED FEED FEED flush.

Was just wondering if anyone has ever heard of this and whether it makes sense to anyone else?

Comments very very welcome.



Well-Known Member
i would think they are referring to the actual fruit, not the plant, that would make sense for tomatoes, because they are probably 80-90% water, but flowers are different, i fully understand hydroponics and started with them, but i have been growing organically for the last 10 years so my input probably won't be as useful as a hydro-guru.
The flushing process is to make the plant use it's existing sugars and nutes inside the plant already, i'm sure you know this.
I've never heard of any problems with people flushing.


Well-Known Member
ive never heard of any problems either but it does talk about physiological problems which i do understand could be a possibility as it is the flowers/Buds that we so long to have.

Like i said i just thought i would throw it out there for discussion as i normally do flush this grow i am undergoing at the moment though i am trying my hardest not to flush until the pre harvest flush and i am altering my EC to match what the plants desire at that time.

For eg if they are looking a little burned which one of mine is at present thanks to an EC of 1.8 feed solution then i am now backing that perticular plant off to around 1.5 on the next feed until it bounces back etc.

Any more thoughts???



That is ridiculous plain out i would slap the hell out of somone who wrote that article... i mean sure you can stop flushing your plants(system) and enjoy the nice taste of nutrients when you smoke your buds. i dont know about you but i love the fresh taste of pure cannabis when it is grown correctly but hey like greasmonkey im more on the hydro side i enjoy the controlled environment.


Well-Known Member
check my post agsin i was talking about flushing during veg and flowering.

not the pre hsrvest flush.

so to clarify flushing to remove built up salts and high EC levels.

thnx riddleme will check it out
