Flushing,.,. Wait another thread?


Active Member
Just wanted to throw my two cents in. I Have a cinderella 99 right now about 9 days into flowering. I was feeding her General organic nutrients "full line" every 4 days when she needed feeding. I never backed up on the nutes i feed every single time because i saw no nute burn. I decided After seeing salt all along the side of my smart pot that maybe it was time for a flush. I Can't even tell you how much happier my plant looks now. all the leafs look like they are reaching for the light like they never have before. I am getting way more noticeable growth in my plant "this may be due to flowering". Just wanted to share and hear what others have to say about flushing.

kiss-ass:leaf::dunce::-P Love.


Well-Known Member
lol titycaca ? yep its always another thread...i guess your mode flameshield is on now :D

i totally agreed with VICTORYGARDENSHYDRO, dont need to flush...do the dry and cure process right !

+rep for both of ya.

happy growing and peace



Well-Known Member
titycaca, it really wont hurt to run the same clones by same mother....do the expriment flush vs unflush...once its all done with dry and cure process, also please take a note in the end of flower cycles, once you get all the information...then you will know what you want for your next grow plans....

happy growing and peace



Well-Known Member
putting so many nutes that it leaves a visible salt build up would be an example, having your plants burn because of to many nutes would be another.
I use FoxFarm products, I find that salt buildup is inevitable. I've tried 50% max nutes thru harvest and still see significant buildup when I pull the root ball after chop. When I feed I get some good runoff and I alternate feedings with plain water. Like OP, I see favorable results with monthly flushes.

So I'm still overfeeding? What do you say about that?
I use FoxFarm products, I find that salt buildup is inevitable. I've tried 50% max nutes thru harvest and still see significant buildup when I pull the root ball after chop. When I feed I get some good runoff and I alternate feedings with plain water. Like OP, I see favorable results with monthly flushes.

So I'm still overfeeding? What do you say about that?
I would say, refer to my first answer, flushing is needed to correct things, Like if your using something with a high salt content and need to rinse it out, but when it comes to trying to flush built up nutes out of your plant by starving it during it's most productive phase is a myth.