flushing the plants regular is the best way to beat infestations


Well-Known Member
The guys from greenhouse flush there plants every week and take samples and send them to labs to be anilised for salt build up and other factors.Now i'm not saying go to that exsteme we all haven't got the time after all this is there job lucky [email protected] i swear since i have been flushing during vegging i flush at least 3/4 times,and during flowering i flush at least 3/4 times during this time i take the loveones out and ph some water around 5.0/5.5ph.then i hold the pots over the toilet and flush the plants till the water runs clear.Once the water has been done this gives you time to give the grow area a good clean blizt the area with water and bleach. Then just water leave the fans on to get rid of smell and dry room by the time you have done the plants are ready to go back in the room plants never looked better yeiled is far greater.big yeileds you have to do a little work.i read so many folks on this site with differant insect problems .keep the grow area clean and you will not have this problem.Also if a clone is brought in from another source i would segragate this till i am 100% sure it is clean after a while you can tell a clone that is ok just from a good luck at it.Flushing plants are not meant to be flushed just at the end of the grow cycle.


New Member
i grow in hydroponics, i run to waste, so the nutrients are never re used, every feed empties the res, so i alternate feed with flush