flushing question??


So I am at about 62 days into flowering started flushing the plant with R.O. water and molasses over the last 2 weeks my ppm reduced gradually i guess from what was at the bottom of the buckets from my hydro setup from 600ppm my ppm now is below 100ppm about 10 days into flushing. My question is since my R.O. water has nothing in it is that a bad thing should i be using spring water instead with natural minerals, I have heard that with R.O. water threw flushing may remove the taste? here is some pics from maybe day 45 of flowering.IMG_0307.jpgIMG_0308.jpgIMG_0309.jpgIMG_0310.jpgIMG_0311.jpgIMG_0312.jpgIMG_0313.jpg So i dont waste another thread whats the fellow RIU users opinion on 48hrs dark period before harvest? enjoy the pics DNA's Chocolope Kush's and Super Grapefruit's.


Well-Known Member
Your ladies look amazing and those buds look delicious!
And spring water/r.o is pretty much the same when it comes to flushing. I'm not too sure about if the science behind flushing is true or false but from my personal experience it does help remove a lot of the chemical taste from the buds during the cure. But then again, that's only from my personal experience.
Also about the 48 hours of darkness, I did a couple side by side tests from my outdoor grow seasons and never really saw any noticeable difference in the smoke or the trichome production. But some other growers can maybe shine more light on that subject.
On another note, i'd love to see the final report of those beautiful ladies. Wish you a plentiful harvest and a lovely smoke to match!


thanks Crankyxr for the input i figure its a easy side by side test to do with just a scale before and after dark period, but realistically dont wanna waste my time if its not needed. Ill defiantly post my final report possibly on this same thread.