Flushing...I have ONE week left..

Okay, so I have one week left till harvest.

I used flora nova bloom(chemical fert) about 3 weeks ago, (which means at harvest, it will be one month ago).
Do I still need to flush the soil??

I used organic food & molasses after the chem food, for about 2 weeks. Is flushing necessary? (I feed every other watering)

What's the problem with flushing products like clearex? Do they leave a bad taste at the end?

Just need a few preharvest answers...

(P.S - I have a plant, and every single fan leave of hers is yellowish/reddish/dying.
Should I flush her too?)

Thank you,

Happy growinnn:bigjoint:

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
Dude, i always flush that way i wont regret it if i dont. ya know. i even heard of people boiling the roots. never gone that far but i always flush. i dont know about the clearex and the taste.
Dude, i always flush that way i wont regret it if i dont. ya know. i even heard of people boiling the roots. never gone that far but i always flush. i dont know about the clearex and the taste.
Lol boil the roots?? that sounds crazy man, i heard they do that for THC extraction though..

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
yeah man my old uncle said he used to boil the roots as his final flush. he grew that super sticky, with the smoothest smoke. i may try one plant and set its buds apart ill post back if any results im a bit away from a harvest tho just 4 weeks into an outdoor vegg. we will se what happens.

ultimate buds

Well-Known Member
you always wanna flush but boiling the rutes doesnt work an clearex is adding to the chemicals in the plant when your trying to get rid of them