Flushing dwc????????


Just use clean fresh water for the last 1-2 weeks. Clean your rez by hand inbetween feedings and theres no need to "flush" your DWC. Maybe a soil grow but not DWC. infact, I just cut off a taster branch on my NLx Skunk last week when the plant was 7 weeks, no flush at all and it tasted really good. 1 week into the flush ALL leaves are completely bright yellow. Flush = DONE


New Member
I hardly ever flush.. my ppms at end are in the 300-400 range anyway. The plants NEED the food during those weeks IMO, and I always feed them. Smoke is pure and clean.


Well-Known Member
Ditto. I think it's best to draw down the nutes to around 300 or so. They have more or less stopped growing but are still producing resin. Low food is stress, I bring the water level way down the last week. More stress. But, just going clear water would add more than stress, actual shock and lock, I think.


Well-Known Member
my thoughts exactly on the nutes at the end.

i still flush on every change but i probably should clarify why. i scrog and dont have access inside my buckets so when i do a change i drop in a bucket of water and h202 to kill any nasties that might be in there and get rid of that little bit of nutes that is left in the bottom of a bucket when draining from a tap. its just a cleanliness thing so i eliminate the risk of rot. if i could just pull my plant out and check the roots i probably wouldnt be so fussy with my flushes.


Well-Known Member
Dont flush haha.. i took a tester off my afghan kush smoked like rice crispies.. gotta love that crackle pop.