Flushing | Do Or Don't?

Do you flush before harvest?

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I am curious to see who flushes before harvest and who doesn't. I think it would answer a lot of peoples questions to see the results. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
youre always going to have people that are pro flush / con flush.

from what i read, people think if you dont flush you'll get a chem taste. That the nutes stay in the roots so when it comes time most say the plants food stays in the roots that is feeding the buds youre about to cut off, so youre not getting a 'clean' smoke.
but then they say if you do flush, youre going to really stress your plant out. Also that its bad to starve your plant of food because would you starve your orange tree or strawberries before you pick/harvest? personally, im doing a light flush 1 week before harvest (which i already did.. harvesting in 3 days) because i kind of believe the plant is eating the rest of the food and it should take about a week for it to do it. shrug... crazy stoner thinking i guess. haha
but its hard to tell no-a-days w/ or w/out flushing.

its conflicting stuff like that that give us new growers, like myself, no idea what to do. =(

Gary Busey

New Member
Flushing = starving your plant.

They need that food during those last weeks of their life, that's when the buds plump up the most.

Trading yield and potency for the illusion of "better flavor" is not something I would like to do.


Well-Known Member
its not that im against flushing... but i see what both sides are saying.

i lean to the side where they dont use any nutes... where it just grows how it grew from day 1: in what ever dirt the wind sent the seed into... i doubt people were adding nutes when they discovered marijuana/hemp/hash, etc.
but i also agree w/ the nute users... coz your giving your plants food and helping it along its way. which is what im doing for my grow.
but im still 50/50 with people saying flushing your plant is good. i can see pros and cons of it, but after reading a lot about flushing i think its more personal preference for the grower. shrug.


New Member
Here comes the flame war.. search this topic has like 100 threads and they all end the same way. Either you flush or you don't and you have your reasons.



does anyone cut of the leaves just b4 harvest so that its just the brances with the buds on it gettin the light?im askin because beside the main kola there is a load of secondary growth that would benfit from more light im 2 weeks of harvest and want to plumpen the secondarys up anyone?


Well-Known Member
anyone whos actually involved in this arguement on the flip side of the coin (not flushing) you have OBVIOUSLY never tried to smoke bud thats so full of fert, if your lucky enough to get it to burn for 11 seconds, the ash is as black as asphalt...
there is simply no question weather flushing is needed or not.. it is... the question is. how long does it take to effectively flush your plants while maintaining a nutrient balance during the last 2 weeks of flowering, when should one stop nutes, How many waterings (straight water) does it take to allow the plant to use up the last of the nutrients in its system...


Well-Known Member
oakley is on it there.. if anyone is growing in soil, tell me how you are going to STARVE your plants by flushing. can anyone show me pictures of their STARVING plant??? All you are doing by flushing is removing excess salts, minerals and everything else. the soil still holds the essentials, and for the last week, you will not notice a malnourished plant.
The act of providing water for the last days upon harvest delivers a CLEANER smoke than otherwise. If you are using organics, i will admit there is less of a need to flush, but it still gives a nice clean taste.
I have grown a few plants for mass weight rather than quality. it was an experiment and i did not flush for more than two days. My smoke was horrible. great genetics and bud structure, but Horrible smoke. Harsh and BLACK ASH, which means that there are still minerals and metals in the bud= NO good

just my two cents though.... oh yea and if you are on the east coast or anywhere other than cali. go ahead and dont flush haha. i forgot how spoiled we are here with our delicious tasting and incredibly potent buds. If you guys are used to mediocre smoke and it doesnt bother you then go for it

trichome fiend

Well-Known Member
....hydroponically, commercial produce growers (not just weed) do not run a zero EC/TDS.....they may do a quick flush (1-2 hour flush w/ flushing solutions) in between res changes to prevent salt build-up........but, NEVER does the plants receive zero EC/TDS... for the most part, they simply adjust the EC/TDS at res change throughout the grow according to the age of the plant(s) ....the shock of being deprived of needed elements will cause the plants to attempt to reserve the present elements, causing undesired taste/burn.
...another thing to consider when "taste" is envolved is the dry/cure process.....a bad dry/cure = a bad taste.

EDIT: ^^^^ just my $.02.


Well-Known Member
oakley is on it there.. if anyone is growing in soil, tell me how you are going to STARVE your plants by flushing. can anyone show me pictures of their STARVING plant??? All you are doing by flushing is removing excess salts, minerals and everything else. the soil still holds the essentials, and for the last week, you will not notice a malnourished plant.
The act of providing water for the last days upon harvest delivers a CLEANER smoke than otherwise. If you are using organics, i will admit there is less of a need to flush, but it still gives a nice clean taste.
I have grown a few plants for mass weight rather than quality. it was an experiment and i did not flush for more than two days. My smoke was horrible. great genetics and bud structure, but Horrible smoke. Harsh and BLACK ASH, which means that there are still minerals and metals in the bud= NO good

just my two cents though.... oh yea and if you are on the east coast or anywhere other than cali. go ahead and dont flush haha. i forgot how spoiled we are here with our delicious tasting and incredibly potent buds. If you guys are used to mediocre smoke and it doesnt bother you then go for it
Right with ya buddy.