Flushing = better?


New Member
So my friend grew some weed recently and said he flushed it for 1 week. That was some tasty herb and I will recommend all of you to flush for 1 week before harvest to get the best taste in your buds...he told me to get the info out far and wide. Flushing gets all the nutes out of the buds...trust me ,it's good advice.. in a blind taste test flushed also beat unflushed hands down.


Active Member
cannabis stores enough nutrients for 2 weeks so his flush was pretty useless, many people dont flush on this site and say a good smoke comes from long cure/proper dry, i flush for 2 weeks so i can get most of the used nutrients to get used, flushing in no way makes the roots take up so much water they spit out nutriented water, so just water straight un-phed water the last 2 weeks watering normaly imo..

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
cannabis stores enough nutrients for 2 weeks so his flush was pretty useless, many people dont flush on this site and say a good smoke comes from long cure/proper dry, i flush for 2 weeks so i can get most of the used nutrients to get used, flushing in no way makes the roots take up so much water they spit out nutriented water, so just water straight un-phed water the last 2 weeks watering normaly imo..
tsk.tsk,tsk. so much WRONG info being spread. Please don't make shit up or repeat what your read.


Well-Known Member
Flushing is bs. Unless uve used seriouse nutes don't bother. Just boost and base nutes u will be fine but stuff like ripen a few days water is advisable

And this 2 weeks buisness is a lol

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Burned tips and over feed = Flush for 1 week

All green and keen = No flush.


And if it makes no difference why care? Let them do as they want.


Well-Known Member
Listening to expert advice...
Tuning out random hearsay...
Learning for yourself....


Active Member
tsk.tsk,tsk. so much WRONG info being spread. Please don't make shit up or repeat what your read.
what was wrong about what i said, this is from personal experience, and i always get great results from it...no 2 people are going to grow exactly the same, and that works for me, un-phed water locks out nutes for the last 2 weeks, also its general knowledge that nutes get stored for ABOUT 2 weeks in the leaves, so Mr. french model lets hear whats wrong about my method

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
what was wrong about what i said, this is from personal experience, and i always get great results from it...no 2 people are going to grow exactly the same, and that works for me, un-phed water locks out nutes for the last 2 weeks, also its general knowledge that nutes get stored for ABOUT 2 weeks in the leaves, so Mr. french model lets hear whats wrong about my method
That's a can a worms I'm not going to open up, but if you want to believe that crap.please do.


Well-Known Member
cannabis stores enough nutrients for 2 weeks so his flush was pretty useless, many people dont flush on this site and say a good smoke comes from long cure/proper dry, i flush for 2 weeks so i can get most of the used nutrients to get used, flushing in no way makes the roots take up so much water they spit out nutriented water, so just water straight un-phed water the last 2 weeks watering normaly imo..
You are talking about soil. If you do this with hydro you are going to stress your plants.


Active Member
i flush my hydro for a week or untill my run off stops raising my ppm in the ressy that i change daily during said week. ive tried not flushing my soil and doing a nice long cure....bad decision on my part to say the least. now my soil garden gets 2 weeks trinity @5ml a gal and my terps are amazing 7 days off the vine.


can't argue with the science of flushing..it's science guys ,things you wouldn't understand..
certainly wouldnt undeerstand i dont understand why people wouldnt flush if ur growing u might aswell do it properly i dont know anyone who would smoke un flushed weed it just wouldnt be worth smoking


New Member
Well madprofessor , lets hear the science of flushing an annual plant and why we should over fertilize in the first place when growing with synthetics ? Flushing kills off mircrobiological life and this destroys the symbiosis that most organic growers strive for .. Are you another person that is going to tell me that the plant knows a difference between nutrients derived from salts or organic matter ? Come on and speak up and educate us ..

This whole flushing argument has never had any real science behind it and never will , show me data and other crops that are flushed and please enlighten us with the science behind this lol

Take the time to learn to dry and cure weed properly , for this skill is something that will ensure quality herb if you can master the basic art of allowing a plant to develop and ripen under its own senescence !


New Member
Oh I am sorry you will need this : [h=2]Senescence[/h]Senescence is the orderly, age-induced breakdown of cells and their components, leading to the decline and ultimate death of a plant or plant part. The timing of senescence is species-specific and varies among the organs of individual plants. Some species of plants produce short-lived flowers whose petals last for only a few hours before shriveling and dropping off, while the leaves of deciduous plants last through long growing seasons before senescing.



Active Member
Just speaking for myself, after decades of growing, you wont catch me flushing soils and depriving my plants of nutrients in the last weeks of life, no siree.

I'll go ahead and cut back on nutes, go strait water often the last week or so because economically there is no reason to keep pumping them in at that point, but the plant is none the wiser to what is going on.


You could rinse that soil till the cows come home, it will still be good healthy soil.. all I've done by flushing is created a mess and threatened to drown my plant if it doesn't behave.

Flushing is for trying to fix accidents.. PH, over nutes etc.. and even then it oft does more harm than if you just let the plant ride it out (Unless you really let PH swing dramatically or over nuted them so badly they are just going to die).


That's my take on it, everyone else's own mileage may vary.. I've lived through 4 decades of harvests (well, some years more than others) and have tried just about everything under the sun when it comes to flushing/not flushing..

I've never noticed a single difference in flavor (nothing worth noting) between flushed and not flushed everything else equal.

What I have noticed when I DO flush, side by side with sisters I don't flush, is towards the end the ones who are not flushed have filled out much more aggressively and still spout out a few white hairs even at the end.

All anecdotal.. all just one guy rambling.. everyone else's mileage may vary..