Flushed to early???


:bigjoint: ... evening punters!

I am still new to all this and very much feeling my way - this site has been a huge help ... thanks to all!

ANYWAYS ... I got to the 6th week of flowering, dropped nutrient ... and just started to run water through the system (flushing ... as I have read)

BUT - I'm into my 8th week - and they are still not ready!

Right now - I'd say about 9 1/2 - 10 weeks should be about right

should I reintroduce nutrient? ... or just keep running them on water for the final 1-2weeks? (making it about 4 weeks in total without nutrient?)

Any feedback would help! --

Most forum's are full of complete twats with nothing positive to say ... just about every post on this site is full of positive input & many years of knowledge... basically given away ... purely for the love of the green

.. one word ...awesome! .. :lol:


Well-Known Member
If all your leaves are yellowing up too quick then I would add a half dose of the usual dose for a week or two, if there not yellowing but have some green left just let the plant use up the nutes stored in the leaves for the final weeks..


Well-Known Member
I agree with tone702.

I did the same thing. I thought she was done but she had other plans. All my leaves where falling off and losing color. But the buds where great! Sooo sweet! Good luck!


Well-Known Member
If all your leaves are yellowing up too quick then I would add a half dose of the usual dose for a week or two, if there not yellowing but have some green left just let the plant use up the nutes stored in the leaves for the final weeks..
tone is right dude it would help if you could post a pic as well.



Thanks lads ... I'll do that ... I had read that somewhere else .. so that just rubber stamped it

... 1/2 the usual for the next 7 days .. then flush for the final 5-7 days ... I'll get pics and keep you posted

Legends! ... all of ya's! ...


hey guys
its 8th week with my whitewidow and i think i flushed early. i flushed with final phase. in the instuctions of this products, it says to flush 7-10days. so what if the girls get ready upto 15 days? shall i keep using final phase or should i switch to ph'd water flush?
I'd switch to ph'd water. I dont use any solution...only water for my flush. I pre-flush about 40 days into flowering a little less than double the amount of water as the pot. It's critical to have a PPM meter to check you run off. When I first started this "pre-flush" my PPMs were 1000+.......then I did my big flush about 6 weeks in or about 10-14 days prior to harvest. This one was a true three times the amount of water to the pot ratio. If not more! My PPM want down to >200. I'll prob do one more small quick flush to get it down to below 100 so it's a CLEAN harvest. BUUUUT....you have to have that PPM meter to guage where you're at for run off. Now not everyone does it like this......in fact a lot of ppl don't flush at all. But it's good to do for having a good, clean harvest. Nobody wants to smoke chems. Hope this helps. Re-post questions and I'll keep an eye out.