
Avon lee

Active Member
pineapple express f2
foxfarm soil
GO BOX flowering nutes
2 gallon pot
Lst'd ALOT.... lol

She is about 10 days from flowering, I know I'm a little late but her first flush is in the morning.
She has only had 2 nutrient feedings during flowering, since I got the GO brand a little late. I have been reading on different flushing methods, and was wondering if any of you fellow botanist had any sure-fire methods for flushing. I also planned to take a sample before the flush to show a buddy of mine that, in my opinion, FLUSHING DOES MATTER, as he never flushes with organic nutes.
He also says that I'm crazy for harvesting in the dark but its my technique and its worked fine for me... lol
Please share your info! Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Quoting from what /\ shim put up:


Preharvest flushing puts the plant(s) under serious stress. The plant has to deal with nutrient deficiencies in a very important part of its cycle.


So, I ask you did you over fert your plants, because if you flush it, for no reason, you will stress it, and deprive it of nutrients that it dearly needs the last ten days…

The more you grow… the less the idea of flushing makes sense… Good Luck !!!

Avon lee

Active Member
No I did not over fert. As I said in the post, I am 10 days from harvest. I flushed her a couple of hours ago. She's not showing any signs if stress YET. I will keep a close eye on her though. She's TEN days away so I sure dont want her to go hermie on me now.
I was thinking of revegging her. She flowers fast and well so I might re veg and clone. Got some Larry's and some Girlscout cookie's Im tryna get in there.

Avon lee

Active Member
Just checked around for any signs of hermie and I'M STARTING TO SEE, WHAT LOOKS TO BE SEED PODS!!!!!
I opened one up and it kind of looks like tiny undeveloped seeds.
WHAT SHOULD I DO???? I have ten days left. should I chop or try to locate and destroy as many seed pods as possible????
will they keep growing back????


Well-Known Member
Put up pics. Your calyx should be swollen, sometimes looking like they have seeds in them so this may not be a problem. Was your plant or grow space exposed to a male plant?

On the flushing side, I am of the opinion that it should only be done if you screwed something up(overfed) or if you have some other issue that needs to be corrected. If your plant is healthy, keep it that way.


Well-Known Member
Do not stress about flushing...IMO, it is a waste of time and water.
If you already have seeds developing, it is too late to fret about the source of pollen that produced the growing seeds.
All you can do now is prevent additional seeds by searching for the source(s) of pollen, and eliminating them.

Avon lee

Active Member
They are seeded. just popped a few open. probably due to light leak or maybe the fact that my son took scissors to about 4 branches. I'll let it flower til the soil dries and chop her down. a little disappointed. Still got a few more pe's but she was very bushy. oh well. live and learn. Thanks for the help!


Well-Known Member
The seeding of your crop could have been avoided by conducting through "banana" search and destroy missions.
The stamens look like tiny bananas, and they can pop out of your buds and spew their evil pollen and seed your crop.
Be on the lookout for the pesky male stamens and if you find any, rip them out...asap.


New Member
Quoting from what /\ shim put up:


So, I ask you did you over fert your plants, because if you flush it, for no reason, you will stress it, and deprive it of nutrients that it dearly needs the last ten days…

The more you grow… the less the idea of flushing makes sense… Good Luck !!!
I've grown going on 25 years and I still flush. Take your product and pay the $40 dollars and have it tested, you can tell the cheap fuckers...if they saw one test result they would not be saying the things they do. Actually if you know the plants you will see a large drop in their feeding habits in the last few weeks....ahh that's because their dying. If the plant has be pollinated it will use all its energy in the last couple of weeks in producing viable seeds, this is why there is a decrease in quality. If she has not been pollinated it will swell up and get gooey in the attempts to be pollinated, in either respect, flushing won't stop either.

Avon lee

Active Member
Thanks for the clarity Ganja. You always keep it real! I appreciate all the advice and suggestions as I'M STILL LEARNING. Got 2 1000w hps/metal halide bulbs I will be using for my next grow. Death to my CFL'S. Got the strains I want. sd,gsc,l.o.g and MORE pe's! Starting to build my 2 rooms early tomorrow. All the nutes,soil,testers and tlc I need. Thanks again peeps! Stay UP.... LITERALLY!