Flush or not


Well-Known Member
Ive personally tried a side by side grow same strain same nutes same everything and imo id habe to say that the one that was flushed was alot smoother and tasted just as good if not better then the one i didnt flush
I've noticed the same thing. But, what I initially felt was harshness could also be viewed as stronger flavors. My friends like the smoother results of pre-harvest cleansing (water only for 10 days). I kind of like the stronger flavors of feeding to the end. I'm finding that half-strength nutes the last 10 days, or water only the last couple feedings is a good compromise.

But, myself and others definitely notice a difference. I think it boils down to personal preference (taste vs. smoothness) and nutrients (synthetic vs. organic, whether you feed too strong and get salt buildup).

(I imagine the cacophony of "no you didn'ts" in response to your side-by-side is perplexing. It would be to me.).

Nate Dogg

Well-Known Member
I've noticed the same thing. But, what I initially felt was harshness could also be viewed as stronger flavors. My friends like the smoother results of pre-harvest cleansing (water only for 10 days). I kind of like the stronger flavors of feeding to the end. I'm finding that half-strength nutes the last 10 days, or water only the last couple feedings is a good compromise.

But, myself and others definitely notice a difference. I think it boils down to personal preference (taste vs. smoothness) and nutrients (synthetic vs. organic, whether you feed too strong and get salt buildup).

(I imagine the cacophony of "no you didn'ts" in response to your side-by-side is perplexing. It would be to me.).
Thanks bruh I agree with you one hundred percent I gave an honest opinion on an experiment i personally did if you dont want to flush by all means dont it works for me thats all that matters id love to do 100% organics and teas but where i was at had zero electric and zero water even if i could run organics id still give straight molly water for the last 2 weeks imo i flush and i have 0 problems with low yields 350+ off a 99 and 130+ of 55 plant garden oh and they were flushed funny thing is farmers around me hit me up for smoke because they know its smooth af and fire and theyve been growing longer then ive been alive points is if you dont want flush by all means dont


Well-Known Member
I agree, some people flush and some don't. But the reason behind why you flush is wrong. When you flush you're doing the opposite of "getting rid of the bad stuff" - you are actually forcing more of the bad stuff to your buds. So if you flush, at least know the facts behind the process. I don't care if people flush or not, I'm not smoking it or growing others plants so it doesn't matter.

Fact is, don't flush because you think it gets rid of chemicals.


Well-Known Member
im not even gunna explain myself just to get ridiculed by some "master growers" that think they got it all down pat open up your minds and dont be so close minded you might just learn something yall arent gunna effect my shine. Yall want real scientists go out and vote to legalize

Peace and love from NorCal
Later dude.

Nate Dogg

Well-Known Member
I agree, some people flush and some don't. But the reason behind why you flush is wrong. When you flush you're doing the opposite of "getting rid of the bad stuff" - you are actually forcing more of the bad stuff to your buds. So if you flush, at least know the facts behind the process. I don't care if people flush or not, I'm not smoking it or growing others plants so it doesn't matter.

Fact is, don't flush because you think it gets rid of chemicals.
Bad stuff like salt build ups a d uneeded nutrients

Nate Dogg

Well-Known Member
So thats the key to organics, electricity and water. Go figure? Mother Nature has been doing it wrong for so, so many years.
Try brewing teas without power for your air pump jackass yeah you can hand feed organics but its expensive af and when you have barely enough money to feed your self synthetics work just fine

Nate Dogg

Well-Known Member
Its not essential but if you like nug that taste like straigh phosphorus go ahead and dont flush that burn on the back of your throat must mean its "fire" bro


Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Not one scientific fact in any of the links. Again just opinions. Sure you can do it all day. Because the world is full of people that allow the "power of suggestion" control their lives. Lets see when a MJ plant is flushed the fan leaves yellow and die. Yet the buds remain green. Now I get it! You kids are smoking the fan leaves. Your logic for flushing is so flawed its amazing.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member

Hmmm flushing vegetables for better taste when grown hydroponicly that took me literally 2 secs yes should i find more or are you just to ignorant to believe "your" way is the only way have fun smokin your chemicals bruh cause you try and pass that ish my way ill put it where it belongs the trash

About the Author

A recipient of a business and technology degree from the master's program at West Coast University, Cindy Quarters has been writing professionally since 1984. Past experience as a veterinary technician and plenty of time gardening round out her interests. Quarters has had work featured in Radiance Magazine and the AKC Gazette.

Nate Dogg

Well-Known Member
WOW it really like im talking to a wall you wont get "scientific" facts untill mj is legal fact of the matter is like i said if somethings grown organicly or using just the ground, water, and the sun no it shouldn't be flushed but imo ANYTHING thats grown with any synhetic nutrients should be properly flushed like if your using a smart pot you flush to get the salt build up and nutrients you dont need in your meduim i know people that will drink there brewed teas before they give it to there plants there logic if its not good for you its not good to consume the plant your using it on wether you smoke it or eat it try drinking some synthetic nutrients let me know if you survive you think that its safe to smoke a plant that absorbed that so yeah if you use synthetics its best to flush that stuff out as much as possible

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
WOW it really like im talking to a wall you wont get "scientific" facts untill mj is legal fact of the matter is like i said if somethings grown organicly or using just the ground, water, and the sun no it shouldn't be flushed but imo ANYTHING thats grown with any synhetic nutrients should be properly flushed like if your using a smart pot you flush to get the salt build up and nutrients you dont need in your meduim i know people that will drink there brewed teas before they give it to there plants there logic if its not good for you its not good to consume the plant your using it on wether you smoke it or eat it try drinking some synthetic nutrients let me know if you survive you think that its safe to smoke a plant that absorbed that so yeah if you use synthetics its best to flush that stuff out as much as possible
and the ignorance goes on and on and on. guess what genius? Plants can't tell if the nitrogen,potash.phos or any other nute is from synthetic or Um"organic"
learn basic plant botany before you call people ignorant and make yourself look more ignorant with every post.