Fluorescents The Whole Way?????


Well-Known Member
Cfl's (The kind that look like cork screws) Are different they have a more penetrating light and grow quite well


Well-Known Member
Side lighting is one aspect that is often over looked. It can make a big difference.


Well-Known Member
Notice MY Lightbox design Mogie Using an altered design on the tin can reflectors and mounting them alternating directions, I get meximum light penetration so unless I bush up big time I wont need extra clip on goose neck lights.


There are a lot of Nazis on here for a bunch of potheads. Isn't the idea behind getting stoned to chill out and relax and enjoy life and spread kindness and knowledge? I see so many people posting on this forum looking down their noses at new growers and those who aren't able to afford a serious lighting setup, and it's really starting to get on my nerves. You are supposed to be helping each other out and instead there's this attitude amongst the so called "elite" growers which dictates they treat other people like shit. If you are going to act like an asshole to other people maybe marijuana isn't working for you...

In regards to lighting and what you can afford, do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. You can get away with using a mix of fluorescents and common household lighting. Contrary to popular misguided belief, you do NOT need to be a millionaire to grow your own grass. If you want 5 - 7 feet high and wide bushes with pounds of pot per harvest, you'll need a serious setup but not everyone can afford to go that route. Remember, it's a plant. You can prune and train it to do pretty much whatever you want and be just about any shape or size. I've seen plants no bigger than a large cat on desktops with copious amounts of healthy buds growing well under simple lighting setups. If you are growing for personal use and doing maybe 1 or 2 plants at a time, you do NOT need to spend an arm and a leg, and you'll have plenty of smoke to get you through until the next harvest.

The internet is overloaded with haters, and disinformation is abundant. Do whatever you want with your plant, it's yours! The more you put into it the more you'll get out of it, but that's totally up to you. Follow some simple rules in regards to lighting, soil, water and ventilation and you'll be smoking your own grow in a few months time :) Happy growing!