Fluorescent Lighting Question


Active Member
I just hung up some fluorescent lights I got at the hardware store and I'm pretty sure these things are not going to give off enough light.

I have 2 48" hoods that hold 2 tubes a piece. I purchased cool white and warm white bulbs as reccomended.

The problem is that each of these bulbs only puts out 30 watts, for a combined total of 60 watts per hood.

Now, these bulbs seem to be a little small (T8 connector?). So I'm guessing I probably bought the wrong thing and there is a more industrial solution that I want with bigger bulbs?

Is this the case, and how much light (on average) should I be looking for from a fluorescent bulb?


Active Member
also, before anyone suggests. i will be moving to a different type of bulb soon enough, but for now i want to use fluorescents.