Fluffy or Dence........call your nug and pick what ppl will get in my area

Fluffy or Dence..... What do you like better

  • Fluffy Buds

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Dence Buds

    Votes: 14 93.3%

  • Total voters

Rastafari InI

Active Member
Seriously dude I couldn't care if your 'THAT' lazy you can't even be bothered to spell half the words even though your dyslexic you can defiantly spell more than that.
But at least make sense when you write, I think you have one sentence that actually makes sense out of these posts. And heck I don't even want to bother reading your other 668 posts it's like a 7 year olds writing, I don't even understand how you can't even type in English. I can only wonder what you speaking would sound like when you can take your time typing and even edit the stuff you say yet your post come out like this.:wall:


Well-Known Member
Seriously dude I couldn't care if your 'THAT' lazy you can't even be bothered to spell half the words even though your dyslexic you can defiantly spell more than that.
But at least make sense when you write, I think you have one sentence that actually makes sense out of these posts. And heck I don't even want to bother reading your other 668 posts it's like a 7 year olds writing, I don't even understand how you can't even type in English. I can only wonder what you speaking would sound like when you can take your time typing and even edit the stuff you say yet your post come out like this.:wall:
Hail to de I Rastafari!!!!!! Reading it was like scratching a chalkboard with my hand.

Rastafari InI

Active Member
Hail to de I Rastafari!!!!!! Reading it was like scratching a chalkboard with my hand.

Haa thnx man.
I really rarely get worked up about anything but i feel you man for some reason it actually was quite frustrating reading this non sense. Ha at least tomorrow when I get stoned I'll come back on this thread and re-read this guys posts hopefully I'll still get a chuckle or two.

I just find this hilarious, this guy is fucking nuts.:hump:

" i like that click lang they speak in some tribes and irish ....................as a exp for 9 months i did not talk i just whistled and signed proved u do not need lang to get by in the world ............my little brother loved it more then the time then i was locked up"

Honestly who in there right mind, gets outs of bed and thinks to themselves hey I just had a great idea, I will not talk for 9 months. You said you did it to prove language isn't nessasary of course language ain't nessasary you tard, did not not realize this before you decided to go mute for 9 months. Lots of thing aren't nessasary but you still do them and enjoy them. Also why did your little brother love this? ( i would probably headbutt someone if everytime i asked them a question they just clicked back at me ) And you stated he loved it when your were locked up? Wtf is wrong with your family.
really though no would be stupid enough to actually do what yo said but just wow:shock: if you did

And since when did they make click noises in Irish?

I need to get some of this shit your smoking on, must be some radical shit.....


Well-Known Member

settle this for me ....debate with brother on what should shoot for in a grow dence nugs or fluffly nugs

dence nugs we all know ...a quarter looks like 5 grams but it is a quarter

fluffy..........u know this kind too....... u see it the quater looks like 10 12 grams or a old school 3 finger quarter

so what is my fellow stoners
you know what, i actually prefer to smoke fluffy bud. Instant smoke in the bong. But at the end of the day the grow is all about weight so dense nugs are much better.

and dense nugs are higher quality most of the time.

Alright let me be more clear

Dense is better
Fluffy looks cooler when you smoke it


Well-Known Member
that is 3 verberal for fluffy

crazy is a term that does not really apply becuase i no longer give a ratts ass about what soicity thinks it is so messed up all the values that have anything good to them are forgotten and greed lust vanity rage and power hungry little liers hold everything ......................if sane is this please for the love of god call me crazy