flowwering ice. pics!!! how she look?.


Well-Known Member
here are some pics of my ice plant.
she is 24 weeks old and 4 weeks flowering , there about.
its an outdoor plant and been now in my greenhouse for 4 weeks, as its getting colder on a night.
hope it finishes before the ice nights come.
wonder how long its got left?.

how long does a ice strain cannabis plant take to finish flowering.

any views or advice?.
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Well-Known Member
I would go about four to five weeks. At the 6th week of flowering if you have one start inspecting the maturity of the trichromes to narrow your harvest window to a precise one.


Well-Known Member
thanks guys i also would have thought maybe 4 to 6 weeks.
i thought the seeds were o.bud, but i might of mixed the seeds up and i think 2 of my 3 plants are strawberry haze.
and haze plants take longer to flower?
dont they?.


Well-Known Member
To my knowledge the strawberry haze take 10 weeks ido believe but they say 11 to get the whole flavor.is there any way you can possibly control the temp in your greenhouse so you make sure they make it the whole time. there is one thing you cant predict and thats the damn weather!lol


Well-Known Member
i had to bring them in last night it was very cold for this time of year.
well under 60 it was about 45.

what is the lowest tep.?. plants can take in a night time?.

is the rule ?, as long as it doesnt frost?.

do i need a heater in the greenhouse?.
and if i do will it get all sweaty??.

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Well-Known Member
i am only feeding 1 time a week because its humid in the greenhouse and the soil doesnt really dry up.
no mould props as of yet.


Well-Known Member
just had to bring them in.
dam they are heavy.:cuss:.
i will put wheels on the bottom of the pots next time.

they are starting to fill out a little and smell great.
might rig the hps up tom. , i cleaned my garage out today, so i could rig the 3 hps up, 250,400,and 600.
i really didnt want to do that.
so much for outdoor english growing:roll:.

anyone else having bother with outdoor temps.