

0712100650a_240878(2).jpg0712100651a_183588.jpg0712100655a_237016.jpgHai. I have been trying to put this plant into its flowering cycle, but im a little worried about how i am doing it. I have been taking it in at night before the sun goes fully down at 8:00 PM EST.I live in Florida BTW. So the problem is when i put it in my shed to flip on its flowering cycle I take it out later on that night when there are no lights outside some time around 11:00 or 12:00. So in the morning time around 6:30 light starts coming out. so its not the full 12/12 cycle for flowering. So I was wondering if it would still flower under these conditions. Any advice would be great. and this is my baby.


Active Member
i'd leave it outside it let it do its thing, if you do & be patient you will yeild alot more marijuana!


Actually if you could tell me when it should start to flower. I started it on May 9th, so its 65 days old. and how long should i let it grow?
i'd leave it outside it let it do its thing, if you do & be patient you will yeild alot more marijuana!
its def alot easier to let it go on its own and more reward but if your wantin to go ahead i would put it in around 6 pm and bring it out around 7 or 8 in the morning, im in NC and do this to a few of my plants for earlier results and ther're budding like crazy on this cycle


yea I have been doing the flowering cycle for about 3 days I dont know if what I am seeing is the pistals starting to form or whatever is it ok if I go back to my regular schedule? I dont want to stress the plant to much. Also should i top it once more to keep the plant a little lower? cause I need to be able to hide this baby relitivly fast. Which is'nt that hard because its in a dense area all around. Cause its about 2Ft tall right now.
i wouldn revert back to that schedule now but if you do it wont matter that much even though it is some stress, if you do have it on that flowering cycle then do not top it because you should only prune during veg imho and if you are back on the regular cycle wait about a week for her to adjust again and top away