Flowering with t5's?

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
oh sister, you got scrawed by that mistah!!! that thing won't be of much help after early flower. but i am interested to see how you do.
Lady Ash,
I know it's not recommended by most, but I have been using my T5HO system for veg and flowering for several grows...it can be done.

I have 2 4x4ft T5 HO units, a total of 432Watts, and ~38,000 lumens. I blend 3k and 65k bulbs equally to maintain higher lumens, and it seems to work fine. It may not have the best light penetration, but I tend to use a variation of LST with my girls due to height limitations so it's not a problem.

Here are some pics of my latest grow in week 10, almost ready to come down.
I have 4 plants that would be 5+ feet tall if I didn't tie them down, and expect somewhere around 1/2 lb of total yield when all is said and done.

So, is it optimal lighting, no. Will it get the job done if you're pressed for space or heat considerations? Yup!

Good luck
That's sum nice budding going on. I'm planning on adding four cfls to my grow closet but my t5 is putting of 20000 lumen for 2 plants. That's cool right? But jus for a lil more light ii feel that this will help my overall yield. Good growing dude

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
You really think I made a bad choice? Aren't you supposed to have the red spectrum of lights for flowering?
for that price, you could have gotten a hid light. i mean a magnetic, or digital ballast/light. led's just don't get the job done. do some searches, and check out plant size/yield. unless that's not important to you, stick with led. don't mean to sound like an ass.....

Lady Ash

Active Member
for that price, you could have gotten a hid light. i mean a magnetic, or digital ballast/light. led's just don't get the job done. do some searches, and check out plant size/yield. unless that's not important to you, stick with led. don't mean to sound like an ass.....
I can't go with hid lighting tho dude. I need to keep the heat to a minimum, while keeping electricity costs down. Those come first, before plant size/yield, because without keeping the heat and electricity to a minimum I wouldn't be able to grow in the first place.bongsmilie

cary schellie

Active Member
i did auto widows with the same set up. 7 weeks from seed they were done, but the buds were so small. went to 600 hps and got double harvest in 9 weeks. save up get a h.i.d. if u wanna get serious


Well-Known Member
i actually hear that t5s are really good to flower with like the hyrdofarm t5 designers i actually seen a video and the buds looked really dense


Well-Known Member
everyone says floros are cooler. they are only cooler if you use less watts. 250 watts of cfls is hotter than a 250 hid. especially if it is air cooled

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
I ordered an led light this morning, finally decided on this one.
looks like a pretty nice light lady. congrats, but my question is, are you attempting to cover the same amount of area with your led as your t5s? becuz that fixture does not appear to be that much different than my blackstars and it takes about two of them to cover a 2x4 area well. but if you could somehow combine your led and t5s together i believe that would be pretty good. or are you running a veg room and flower room seperate? i know you prob. posted this info over on UNITE! but i cant remember.
either way congrats and dont let the ppl who have never tried a real led fixture get you down. there are plenty of us who are reaping the rewards:)

Lady Ash

Active Member
I have and currently am flowering under T5's, it is also a 4 bulb fixture. I use 2 bulbs of each spectrum and keep them short, 12/12 at 6-9 inches. Don't expect HPS yields but, it will work fine. You can add some CFL if you think it's needed, right now I have CFL's working as well. Good luck!
:leaf:Have you had any problems with heat? When I turn on all 8 lights it gets up into the 80's and humidity drops to 40-50.:leaf:

Lady Ash

Active Member
looks like a pretty nice light lady. congrats, but my question is, are you attempting to cover the same amount of area with your led as your t5s? becuz that fixture does not appear to be that much different than my blackstars and it takes about two of them to cover a 2x4 area well. but if you could somehow combine your led and t5s together i believe that would be pretty good. or are you running a veg room and flower room seperate? i know you prob. posted this info over on UNITE! but i cant remember.
either way congrats and dont let the ppl who have never tried a real led fixture get you down. there are plenty of us who are reaping the rewards:)
:leaf:I'm taking them straight through flowering all in one room. I'll be adding the leds to the t5s. It should be here in a couple days, so excited!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I flowered some bag seed in a 2'W x 4'L x 3'H cab using 8 overdriven T8 bulbs running at 54watts and 4 T5HO bulbs in between them. It was my first grow and my largest plant yielded 47oz if i recall correctly. My cab was not full because of the number of males. My 47oz plant was LST'd using chains and hooks. I tied all the growth to an equal level. I switched to 12/12 when the plants were 6-10" tall.

I strongly suggest a screen. Bud sites that were 2 inches lower then the top were about 70% of the size.

Since then I have built a 3'W x 4'L x 3'H cab with three levels. Each level has a screen and 12 T8 bulbs in high bay fixtures.

I got my fixtures at 2$ apiece straight from a warehouse upgrade :) :) :) I like to justify why I use floro tubes.

Sorry for my horrible English skills. I was trying to type as I was remembering facts about my previous grow.

Also to add, I had 3-4 gram tops.
hahahahaha! bullshit. dude if you are going to lie at least make it sound beleivible. do your home work next time so you dont look like a complete idiot. i cant believe you just tried to get away with this outrageous lie. lol actually its really funny. but seriously dude i wouldnt even beleive 5 ozs. nice try thogh. lmao! better luck on your next lie.


Active Member
hahahahaha! bullshit. dude if you are going to lie at least make it sound beleivible. do your home work next time so you dont look like a complete idiot. i cant believe you just tried to get away with this outrageous lie. lol actually its really funny. but seriously dude i wouldnt even beleive 5 ozs. nice try thogh. lmao! better luck on your next lie.
Its his story let him tell it how he wants, lol