Flowering with MH?


Well-Known Member
i will soon find out tho, the lamp i have mentioned is a true actinic (blue spectrum) aquatics halide used for growing corals and such in saltwater aquariums, so if there are any spectacular halide lamps out thur that are going to work miracles in my flower room ill keep u posted


Active Member
that bulb looks great! i thought that it wasnt possible due to the ignitor being missing in the MH ballast.. i hope this isnt a fire hazard.. haha other posts get me paranoid! lol

anybofdy care to offer any input on when to flower?


Well-Known Member
The pictured MH stadium grow looks great. Wonder what it would look like with HPS.

Cannabis plants make best use of re-yellow spectrum in flowering as that is the character of late autumn sunlight at temperate latitudes due to the low angle of the sun causing sunlight to pass through a long path through the atmosphere, which filters most blue and shorter wavelength light.

(sits down and takes notes :wall::wall:)

wow i thoughts that that the plants just made better use of the light during flowering now i know why!


Active Member
the mh-hps bulb looks interesting.

i didnt think it was possible, due to the lacking ignitor in the MH ballast.. fire hazard maybe?? if its safe, id be interested!

any1 have any idea of when to flower? and how long before/after to add flowering nutes after flowering is forced with 12/12 lights??



Well-Known Member
wait i thought HPS are better 4 vegging and MH is better for flowering?

i've been using a HPS for my indoor grows would my plants benefit from switching 2 MH 4 flowering?


Well-Known Member
I am also currently taking notes, At this moment i am burning a jbj aquatics m/h for vegging,I am setup dwc and getting 1-5 inches of growth in veg per day its sick, depending on what stages my seedling or clones are vegging at. i can say tho, i have had colas grow a foot taller than the rest of the plants in the duration of a week or less or so by which time i had flowered buds or balls.ive only recvently introduced this lamp on accident (cuz it was laying around) to my flower room and but during the transiton from veg to sexing female colas have grown proportianetely larger than in any lighting system ive grown with.
I dont know what this means when it comes to flowering, but id have to guess , in my experience the colas are going to end up monsterous. In light of als scientific input, i have this to ask, does anyone know of a specific brand of hps lamps that burn red like the sun and produce the fastest and sickest buds?
And if so im curious with this halide what would happen if both these true actinic blue and a crazy hps lamps would end up generating.
if my bitches werent sleeping id post pix now, to show the insane growth of the colas in retrospect to the main stem as well as a pic of the lamp that truly burns BLUE.


Well-Known Member
the mh-hps bulb looks interesting.

i didnt think it was possible, due to the lacking ignitor in the MH ballast.. fire hazard maybe?? if its safe, id be interested!

any1 have any idea of when to flower? and how long before/after to add flowering nutes after flowering is forced with 12/12 lights??


Hey man, I've got the box at the grow. There is a bunch of info on there, I know for sure there is a socket requirement. I'll get it for ya. My main concern before ordering it was the bulb shape, it looks pretty fat, but it is fine. I'll be back tomarrow bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I would personally suggest to veg only until from hydroton to the tops of ur plants a foot! Whether u are topping or not. Keep in mind, u can veg ur plant to six nodes( 6 or seven inches) and let ur main stem branch off to reach that foot. i usually top my plants at 6 inches or nodes , and grow them out to a foot before i flower. I put my tops in a glass of water, change the water daily, and make clones out of them.


Active Member
awesome! My plants are about 8 or 9 inches id say. I think im going to veg for a few more days then switch to flower. How long after i switch the lighting schedule should i change to flowering nutes?

can u explain topping? how long after topping is preformed can you switch to flower? Does the plant need alot of veg time after you top them? or can i top now, and wait about 6 days to flower? or is this not long enough?

thanks for your help everybody!


Well-Known Member
yea, the reason i top my plants are simply to force them to grow more main stem for colas to live on. If you count up from the bottom set of ur first leaves u will eventually get to the sixth set of true leaves, chop the main stem right above that six set of leaves, mine end up about 6 or seven inches after topping upon which time i replace my lights right above the plants again and let grow my my new main stems grow until fro the top of ur soil or hydroton ur plant is a foot tall!

I take my plants directly out of all vegging nutes and place them in my flower nutes. in my opinion it helps to sex plants faster, by doing so my plants usually sex within 7 days.

if u top ur plant u should put it in a cup of water and clone it, if it ends up being a female ur all set, u can grow her out as long as u like.

hope that helps


Well-Known Member
heres a pic of a topped plant thats in flower notice how the main stem is only 6 1/2 inches tall, and that should give u a good idea of what nodes and true leaf sets are. also added a pic of the same plant so that u can see the benefits of topping, before i took clones from it, this one plants was producing 6 colas, 4 of which i chopped off and are now vegging



Well-Known Member
lol guess im blowing this thread up! anyhow heres also some pics of the jbj aquatics true blue actinic m/h bulb that runs off my ignited ballast. and heres some sic pics of what happened to some tops after i introduced it into the flower room..

im going to see what happens but honestly i am prolly going to take the m/h lamp out of the flower room cuz they are stretching way to much, almost tripple in size in about 2 1/2 weeks. Yes yield will prolly be greater but i simply dont have the room to let these flower and grow like frankenstien style, i do have vaulted cielings but would be impossible to get enuff light on 8 foot tall plants indoors.

On another note, i am interested in seeing how these colas fill out, im going to predict that by introducing m/h in my flower room for only a couple weeks i will prolly end up with 25 percent more yield on this one plant maybe more. ok im done ive spoken enuff words for the day.late and good luck!



Active Member
tops look great! as for cloning... not having much success. My clones in rockwool didnt work out well. I dont think i took them from the right place or something.

What kind of light did u veg with before introducing the?? 400 watt metasl halide?? am I correct?

Maybe a repeat, but im vegging under a 400watt MH as well as flowering later next week.

I will use my flowering nutes directly when i change the lights. I'll probably use them at 1/4 strength, then work it up a little. (i've only used up to 1/3 strength on the grow so far. The plants dont seem to mind though..??)
Thanks for all the input bro. Really appreciate it.

U check out my pics? looking pretty damn bushy if u ask me! page 2!

I'll kepp u guys up-to-date with the grow if interested!


Well-Known Member
THe most simplest way i have found to clone my cuttings is by following ur regular cloning techniques of cutting and scraping then dipping them in clonex and placing them directly into a cup of water just covering the scraping.Placing them in indirect or shaded lights until i get root formation and then adding a drop of hydro veg nutes and placing them closer to the lights. Averagely in less then a week u will have clones u can place directly into hydroton, but keep ur water levels right. This way im not sure of my succes rate but i would say at least 95 percent to date. I always take more cuttings than i need, but i always never have enuff room for my clones!change ur clone water daily tho i forgot to add that.
The halide lamp in question is made by jbj lighting.And its only a 175 watter! I grow corals in saltwater tanks and they photosynthesize in the exact same light spectrum as plants veg or grow (true actinic blue).But reproduce, sex or mate only when u introduce red spectrum .These guys put out the daddy of all halide lamps but they buurn hot.
Add a hps lamp or make sure u drop 2700 k cfls directly over the top of ur colas until u can get one. Plants will produce bud with blue spectrum, but the size,quality and quantities of ur bud yield will not be the same as hps. Its only nature and spectrums.


Active Member

if thats a true 400watt MH to HPS conversion bulb that would make me extremely happy!! lolz!

where did u find the bulb????

OntheDL:thanks for all the cloning help!! perfectly helps my situation. Does the water need oxygen for the clones like in hydro?? or what? Also whats the scoop with humiditity and clones?


Well-Known Member

if thats a true 400watt MH to HPS conversion bulb that would make me extremely happy!! lolz!

where did u find the bulb????

OntheDL:thanks for all the cloning help!! perfectly helps my situation. Does the water need oxygen for the clones like in hydro?? or what? Also whats the scoop with humiditity and clones?
What do you mean IF it's a TRUE MH-HPS bulb?


Well-Known Member
caddy i may had misunderstood the pulse/ignitor honestly. im not an electrician and never gave much thought to how a bulb actually starts up. i think where most people may get confused is that on mine my ballast actually must pulse as it does when firing up it, pulses 4 or 5 times and then the bulb ignites on my set up. but to be honest with you,my ballast is old school i guess, and the setup was originaly made for aquaria bulbs, whether that makes a difference.

I do also know that my does not pulse, when the ballast fires up, the light instanlty comes on and then fires up over a small period of time so in my i guess i had ingnitor and pulse backwards. thanks for clearing that up.

anyhow, i clone in a small closet seperately, but ive never used a hood for cloning. alot of people do and they say that high humidity levels are good as well. I have never had seen a need to. To be honest, i did try a dome once, my very first time and my very first batch was a total loss lol. i found the water and glass method for me was the most simple like i said.Cutting, water in glass, plcaced in indirect light for a couple few days and bam.


Well-Known Member
The ballast don't matter. This is a MH-HPS conversion bulb, the ignitor is built into the bulb. There is no need to do anything else. The one requirment is the socket, it must be at least 4k pulse rated. This bulb is designed to run off a MH ballast.

I have a 400w MH ballast, I bought this bulb because it works. I provided a link where to buy one(for the best price around) and a link for info on conversion bulbs. Whether anyone chooses to belive me......IDK :clap:


Well-Known Member
lol i do believe like i said i think i had my pulse and ignitor mixed up, it really did make sense. chill dude hahaha. or ....smoke a bowl