Flowering with a 14/14 light schedule or higher...


Well-Known Member
I would like to try this once i have a good place and time to grow some buds of my own but i was wondering, what if a plant was to be put ona veging light schedule say for a month or two, then instead of switching to 12/12 for flowering, how about a light schedule of say 14/14 or maybe 16/16. whatever works best, My theory behind this is that plants cannot count time, they have no idea what time is hence they dont know how long they get light for, the reason they flower is because of the ratio of light and darkess. All they know is they get a certain amount of light, and the exact same amount of darkness, the ration is 1:1. since 14/14 still equals a ratio of 1:1, this schedule should still induce flowering, im not sure what kind of results i would get but im definately gonna try it someday, what do you guys think?
where i live there are only 24hrs in a day. so i cant go 14/14 or 16/16 i can go 14/10 or 16/8.


Active Member
i would think that ur plant would think flower with 14hrs of dark. if ur tryin to askew the 24hrs in a day deal then leave nite time alone till ur ready to flower. nothing saying that it wont grow under "extended" day conditions. if i were doing it ide go more 20-23hrs of light with only 8 hrs dark. even for flower i wouldnt do more than 14hrs of dark. to much stress makes for weak plants.


Here you are wrong.. Time is real and exists. How can you say things don't age? Have you ever been in a physics class? Everything is based on time.. Clocks and calanders are manmade, time is not..
time is real only because we count it... plants cannot count, therefore, they dont know time. they just react to nature, its factors in the universe that the plant reacts to, such as the world spinning at the speed it does wich gives the plant the amount of light it gets and needs... what if our world spinned 4 hours slower and the length of days was 28 hours??

I was thinking something along what aknight3 was saying...


i would think that ur plant would think flower with 14hrs of dark. if ur tryin to askew the 24hrs in a day deal then leave nite time alone till ur ready to flower. nothing saying that it wont grow under "extended" day conditions. if i were doing it ide go more 20-23hrs of light with only 8 hrs dark. even for flower i wouldnt do more than 14hrs of dark. to much stress makes for weak plants.
i would try that to see what happens...


Well-Known Member
A plant cannot say whether it is 2 or 3 in the afternoon, but it knows dark from light. Therefore the plant does follow time. As said previously everything is subject to the constraints of time on this planet. A plant knows when it is time to flower and time to die and so on. Granted a plant aint got a watch on, but it certainly knows what time of day it is.


dark from light isnt time, its part of a day, theres a difference, and ill say this again, time is man made, it does NOT know what time of the day it is, it knows between day and night, it knows when it becomes dark, and knows when it becomes light, BUT DOES NOT know the time, theres simply no way im sorry day and night isnt time, time is made up day and night are cycles that continue to happen on earth to this day, thats all, nothing more


Active Member
bet the plant will start to grow but rapidly mutate...It won't fruit. Good luck controlling 14 on 14 off on a daily basis. Explain how you will do that?


Well-Known Member
dark from light isnt time, its part of a day, theres a difference, and ill say this again, time is man made, it does NOT know what time of the day it is, it knows between day and night, it knows when it becomes dark, and knows when it becomes light, BUT DOES NOT know the time, theres simply no way im sorry day and night isnt time, time is made up day and night are cycles that continue to happen on earth to this day, thats all, nothing more
You can right in capitals all you want, but if you were a mature person you would stop trying to TELL people they are wrong and be happy to sit knowing that you are right. I never said 'plants' know the time, I actually stated they know where abouts in there life cycle they are. If you want to spout on about philosophical debates about concepts and the like I suggest you pop over to the spirituality forum and tell people there how knowledgable you are....:cuss:
"We have now shown that a gene called FT, which is active in the leaf and whose activity is regulated by the day length, produces a messenger molecule that is transported to the shoot tip," said Ove Nilsson at the Umea Plant Science Center at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
Separate research, conducted by a different team, reveals how the messenger molecule works to activate the "gene programs" that lead to the formation of floral buds


Well-Known Member
its worht a shot and hes only asking but your wrong about the plants dont know what time is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 billions of years of 24 hour days,a nd u say they dont what time is, yes they do but u can experiment, some guy did, 23 hours 13 mins light 12 hours darkness and got insane results, so good luck and well done


Active Member
im sure it dont work well at all. otherwise we would all know about it. doubtful that a newcommer to growing anything will make a pioneer discovery that will chage life as we know it. but hell anything is possible. i thought this was a tommato for the longest time untill top growth was pointy-ish. (pic is to prove with light and a little tlc and some basic gardening anything is possible ((was thinking transplant shock, she is doing very well now and has the best internodal growth in the whole "family"))) goodluck with that and goodtimez


Time is not man made, is a fundamental universe structure. Which can measure aging and movement. Cannabis might not know what time meaning hour, minutes and seconds, but they do know light and darkness, they know when it's getting close to the dawn or lights on, and getting close to dusk or lights off, that's why people recommend not to change the lights on time, and change the lights out, it creates less stress for the plant.


Well-Known Member
"time" is a concept that only exists in literal sense because we created a word for something. What the word "time" is defining has been here before man.