Flowering way too early?


my plants have been outdoors for two and a half months and are already started to flower, I'm in aus, it's November here now, plants outdoors here don't start to flower till February or march.. WTF is going on with them? Anyone know?


Yeah... Fuck.. Didn't think of that.. It's just bag seed so it could be an auto flower stain then... Is there anything else that would make em do it? I've been growing for years, bag seed and ordered, and never had plants that just flower out of season


Well-Known Member
Bro i told you (or someone similar) Not to plant until oct 20 or they will flower early due to the short days. Oct 20 is close to when the day hours become 13.
Now they will still reveg but will be stunted for much of the veg season and wont produce near as much. Cut out any bud as it will only rot when the plant tries to reveg, this revegging happens from the lower part of the plant.
Next year dont jump the gun.