flowering under 18/6


I have 4 plants all female 1 plant looks like its starting to flower all the others are in veg and have pistils but the 1 in question looks like its starting to flower. Anyone heard of such a thing before?


yeah i had some clones i got from another grower start to flower in my veg room.My guess is it was stress. The clones i got were clones of clones of clones of clones. I think the sudden environment change from his Grow op to mine freaked em out.They started to flower so i switched to 24 hours to try and force em back to veg but then they got even weirder. I gave up on them, i was afraid they would hermie later if i continued to veg and then re-flowered em. weed does some funny things when its stressed.Check em out they dont even look like weed anymore.



I did just transplant in bigger pots but I think it was pre transplant. How can you tell if they are hermie.