Flowering - Top Leaves getting brown marks?

Indoor Grow
Strain: Church from Greenhouse Seeds
Light: 250w metal halide
Media: Canna Coco
Nutes: Canna Coco
Week 6 of flowering

Hey all you growers.
I am now in week 6 of flowering, and i have noticed some browning on the edging of the leaves along with the fan leaves yellowing a little bit, only at the top of the plant. I noticed this on my last grow, and it gradually got worse, but the end result proved OK. However i would like to prevent it this time. After doing a little research i have come to the conclusion that this could be a deficiency in Potasium? With the nutes i have, there is a PK13/14, which is a potasium booster and the nutes chart from canna only says it should be used for the one week during the early stages of flowering. I added this into my feed about a week ago, only noticed browning today. So could this also be not over fert maybe?

Was also thinking it may be overfeeding with N? But not sure hoping you pros will be able to help me out......?

My current feed per 10ltrs is:
A&B - 25ml
Canazym - 15ml
Rhizotonic - 5ml
Boost - 15ml
PK13/14 - 15ml
I always keep my PH at 5.8.

My first feed with this mix was 1week ago, the first feed was a good watering with 20 to 30% to drain. I then watered again 3 days ago, but this time with no drain. And then i have watered again today

I usually water it with a good flush (drain), followed by 3 or 4 feeds with no drain, then do a full water again. I usually leave the water until the top couple inches of media is dry and also feel the weight of the pot.

Also on both my grows (only done two so far :smile: ), it seems to take a very long time for the vegative stage. I have attached my excel log sheet. Any ideas? I am thinking i may be overnuting as i was sticking the the ammounts of the canna coco website at first.

Also when pruning, (didnt prune on last, but have on this) should you not feed the same or next day, my thinking is this may cause my little plant stress while its still licking it wounds?​


Hello mate, I can't help on your main problem but but i'm interested to know what you're not ducting the heat out of your cool tube? Surely this is defeating the object of said cool tube?


Hmm, I'm growing in coco and at week 5 in flo, and after starting to add pk 13/14 I(this is second week with 7.5ml this week and 5ml previous week I get some yellowing and part-browning on my plant's leaves as well. Could be related.

What about your bud size? Seems small for week 6. Asking because I started another thread about bud size as well and seems you have the same thing. ((