Flowering tomorrow!

Maine Buds

Well-Known Member
I'm so excited two of my girls are going into the flowering room tomorrow. I've got 2 Thai in 5 gallon buckets going under a 600 watt hps in the morning. I'm gonna put them in the dark tonight to get them ready for the morning. I figure they could use a rest before the big day! Here's a few pic of my veg room and the girls!
The two in the front right and left in the 5 gallon buckets are going first the 3 in the bags are outside and the other two go in 4 weeks after they start to flower.
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Maine Buds

Well-Known Member
Here they are getting a tan. You can't see the light I raised it to the max for the first 3 or 4 days I'll slowly lower it. I don't have a cool tube or exhaust set up so it gets really hot in the closet. Only one fan and an ac unit. Getting their first feed of bloom blood in a few hrs. They should be shooting out hair in less then a week! To excited to see how big these girls get!image.jpgimage.jpg

Maine Buds

Well-Known Member
They usually don't hang over or have thin stem but they stayed in their 3 gallon pots way to long. ( I neglected them for a few months)These two girls have only been in their 5 gallon pot for about 2 weeks so their still wobbly a bit. Plus their stems are usually way bigger about the size of my husband thumb and he has big hands!. The next two that go in will have huge stems so the shouldn't need any support. That what happen when you don't take care of your girls!
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Well-Known Member
They usually don't hang over or have thin stem but they stayed in their 3 gallon pots way to long. ( I neglected them for a few months)These two girls have only been in their 5 gallon pot for about 2 weeks so their still wobbly a bit. Plus their stems are usually way bigger about the size of my husband thumb and he has big hands!. The next two that go in will have huge stems so the shouldn't need any support. That what happen when you don't take care of your girls!
Buy a little fan to push air on them it will force the plant to build stronger stems :)

Maine Buds

Well-Known Member
Ya I got a big fan blowing the cool air in but they didn't have a fan during veg so that doesn't help either.

Maine Buds

Well-Known Member
image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg Thank everyone. Gonna make a video tonight showing the girls and the babies so you will have to stop by my channel. ( only one vid so far but hey everyone has to start some where). Gonna wake the girls up in about 6 mins I'll take some pics for ya guys. They are already starting to yellow woohoo pistils in a few days and then buds and beyond!
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Well-Known Member
Nice, i am doing an asian sativa grow starting in 6 weeks.
4 plants under 600hps and 200cfl in 4x4.
Ill sub and watch your grow, i bet those ladies will get some good size.
What specific strain is your thai?

Maine Buds

Well-Known Member
Nice, i am doing an asian sativa grow starting in 6 weeks.
4 plants under 600hps and 200cfl in 4x4.
Ill sub and watch your grow, i bet those ladies will get some good size.
What specific strain is your thai?
I'm not sure what the genetic are I received the mom and a northern lights mom from a friend who was gonna chuck them. I'm sure it's not sativa dominant leaves are more indica and she flowers about 9-10 wks but she's lanky with ball like buds very dense colas for tops and frooooosty! She stretches like crazy. I bet they reach the 5 foot mark before they stop! I will have to ask my friend not sure if he remembers but I'm positive they were his starter plants. He picks some pretty good genetic.

My avatar pic is the northern lights around 6 wks so ya some good stuff!


Well-Known Member
id say 3-4 zips a piece but who knows. :blsmoke:
under 600w hps with some extra cfl i get 3-4 z's from a 40ish inch plant. thats if its a sativa hybrid. 2.5 avg for an indica dom plant. i usually veg 5 or 6 weeks from seed. thats in 6 gallon fabric bag using AN PH perfect. :joint:

Maine Buds

Well-Known Member
id say 3-4 zips a piece but who knows. :blsmoke:
under 600w hps with some extra cfl i get 3-4 z's from a 40ish inch plant. thats if its a sativa hybrid. 2.5 avg for an indica dom plant. i usually veg 5 or 6 weeks from seed. thats in 6 gallon fabric bag using AN PH perfect. :joint:
Yeah I got a 600 water on the but there gonna have to share the room in 4 weeks cause 2 more girls are moving in. My goal is 1/2 lb every 4 or so weeks. That mean I gotta get 4 off each lady. If it doesn't happen this round it shire will the next one!