flowering tips anyone???


Active Member
medical... the timers your talking about at home depot for under 10 bucks say 24 hr timer so wouldnt he still have to set it daily? im not trying to sound rude or stupid lol


Well-Known Member
24 hour timer just means you can make it go on and off at up to a 24 hour period. I just got a analog one cuz I'm cheap. The digital ones are about $15. It's a total pain in the ass to have to be at your grow room every 12 hours on the dot. Thank me later.


Active Member


here's the timer i have. apparently has a whole bunch of settings (like you could have a different on/off time every day of the week) but it works just fine for going on and off at the same time every day :)


Active Member
im in u.s. but im going to check my local true value today for a decent one and how long before i see bus stawt to grow aprox