flowering tips anyone???


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putting my babys into flowering tommarrow on my first grow extrememly exctited they made it this far and pretty much what the title says any tips for me and my first time flowering thanks for any help


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Im In my 1st grow as well 5 weeks into flowering. couple things to remember ... 1st make sure 12/12 cycle 2nd watch out for light leakage 3rd ( this is where i kind of messed up myself)


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whats light leakage and how much nutes is enough one every other watering? thats what i currently do


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difficult for me to do haha im in same boat... going into flower friday but need to invest in a timer all i can find is a 24 hr digital timer which i dont know if that means i gotta set it daily or not


Active Member
me lol, i turn the light on and off at the same time every day

lol im the same way man

light leakage is basically any unneccasary light reaching your plant it can turn ur girl to boy .
and nutes always remember less is more!!! u should go 1/4 at first see how ur girl takes it, then go 1/2 and if she still ok u can go about 3/4
what nute sets are u using


Active Member
i like be my own timer because iget to see my babies atleast 2 times a day haha
and what do you mean by unneccasary light isnt more the better? and ive been sticking too 1/4 the nutes


Active Member
i like be my own timer because iget to see my babies atleast 2 times a day haha
and what do you mean by unneccasary light isnt more the better? and ive been sticking too 1/4 the nutes
Ok im assuming your growing indoors right?
so let say u have it in a closet in ur bedroom
when your light cycle is off
try not to turn on any lights in ur bedroom
light rays can sneak into the door cracks and beam onto ur girl
which can lead to Dennis Rodman looking things which is a bad thing.

I Keep a towel under my door a friend says it help block the rays


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lol its a tad bit ghetto but its only my first grow so im happy with just the expierence my next one i plan on upgrading alot


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What is your medium? It will govern how many times you feed her...just make sure your not too careful with feeding so to speak... nute burn is bad, but Deficiencies can be much worse during flower... Feed her as much as she can take, just keep an eye out for burn, and when you see it back off and keep the nutes as is... I use about 3x the specified amount of nutes per litre of solution, the amount of nutes will depend on how big your plants are, and how hungry they are... Hope this helps, and light leakage is a problem, rule of thumb is no more light in your grow area than that of the full moon, However pitch black dark periods may increase yield.... Happy growing


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No timer? Dont flower man...unless you watch the clock 24/7 and sit next to your plants... if so get ready for the longest 9 weeks of your life


Active Member
next time id do 1 plant in a pot three times the size you got now, and personally id put more medium in your pots, right to the rim, you will expect growth in height by about 2 thirds during the flower cycle so they will need lotsa root space... Looking healthy otherwise.


Active Member
i have an alarm on all my watches ad phone that go off at 5:30 am and pm so i can turn on and off at 6 exact so it should work and yea this was my first grow so i didnt real know much but i know i do neeed way more soil for flowewring and i want atleast one girl so thats why i have 3