Flowering Temps and Humidity

Right now im in my 2nd week of Flowering , And i was just wondering about my temps , and humidty , My room is usually between 71 75 degrees with 33 % Humidty , Is that to low , someone told me it should be around 60 or so


Active Member
I am way jealous ;) Don't be afraid those are great temps and humidity for flowering! I wish I could get under 85 degrees and stay under 40% humidity


Well-Known Member
actually, no. whoever told ya that.. isn't 100% correct.

when flowering.. the lower the humidity is.. the better.

Why? simple.. the more humidity you have.. the higher chances you'll have.. of attracting mold. Moldy buds.. isn't good of course.. its a waste.

So, I'd have to disagree.. and say.. the lower the humidity.. the better my friend.

Also, as for your temps.. is that with the lights on? or off??

if its the temp with lights on.. your fine man. The rule of thumb, is you want to try and keep "lights on" temps between 65`F - 85'`. Typically, anything above 90`F with lights on.. can cause the plant heat stress.. which slows growth.. and can possibly kill the plant if the temps get too high.

So again, I think you have the ideal temp/humidity. Especially for flowering cycle.

Now, veg cycle.. same principal for the temps apply for the veg cycle.. as they do for the flowering cycle. However, you can let your humidity go a little higher during veg.. as this actually helps the plant. I won't go into how it helps the plant.. but it does.

So anyhow, I hope you understand what I'm trying to tell ya..

In other words.. your fine man. Your temps/humidity is just about as perfect as you could get it. Especially during flowering.


Don't listen to that person.. he/she apparently doesn't know what their talking about.

good luck buddy.

Yeah my temps go up a lil at nite cuz i have to shut my door so no light gets in but it never gets above 80 , and thats with the tempature outside being like 90 degrees , Im also using CFL's which definatly keep the heat down , Once i get a charger for my camera ill have some pics
Thanks for the help guys , everyone on here has been nothing but tremendous help , and i just wanna say thanks for takin the time to drop some knowledge!!