Flowering stage and see a few seeds


New Member

I'm in flowering stage for 15 days now, one of the plants turned out to be male after 7 days of flowering, I pulled it out asap but is it normal to see seeds on the other two plants, so far ive found and picked out 5 seeds, is that normal?


Active Member
Yes its normal dont be surprised to see many more seeds pop up.
Male plants should be removed ASAP, the male flowers open very quickly and just a few of them is enough to pollinate allot of female flowers.
I would not try and pick the seeds out of flowering females, just let them be the damage is done.
You are taking a chance of damaging the bud structure and stressing the female plants by doing it.


Well-Known Member
There is a thread here called "12/12 from seed", if you had done that you would not have wasted your time and energy, after 3 weeks you would have known if you had any males. Sorry about the male and the impregnated girls, it happens. Better luck next time, and do all you can to ensure your success by going 12/12 from seed.


New Member
@Budfever thanks @greenlikemoney I didnt say they were pregnant, I pulled the male out within 7 days and if a few seeds are on a plant is normal im still looking a decent stuff at the end.. :-)


Active Member
No prob man, Next time just try and get them males out a little quicker.
I kill my males as soon as im sure that's what they are.
Good news is if the plants end up good finished bud then you have some nice seeds to use down the road.