Flowering seedling


Well-Known Member
I did a two week veg on photos from seed and they are doing well! Not the biggest but not bad.
There is a 12/12 thread here somewhere


Well-Known Member
Should’ve taken a better photo
It’s definitely flowering. Maybe they sent me the wrong seeds. I know there are environmental factors that’ll throw em into flower right away but I’ve never had anything like this happen. Another pic. Transplanted them. We will see what happens. This run is the weirdest grow. All of these tester plants and PCK. Learning experience for sure. Lost about half my plants because they were males. Out of 6 PCK seed I got from ace seeds, 5 were male hahaha.



Well-Known Member
Should’ve taken a better photo
It’s definitely flowering. Maybe they sent me the wrong seeds. I know there are environmental factors that’ll throw em into flower right away but I’ve never had anything like this happen. Another pic. Transplanted them. We will see what happens. This run is the weirdest grow. All of these tester plants and PCK. Learning experience for sure. Lost about half my plants because they were males. Out of 6 PCK seed I got from ace seeds, 5 were male hahaha.
Still doesnt appear to be flowering. Is there a pistil somewhere visible? Alternating nodes?
Anything that looks like flower?

I have all of those things in veg so even if you do it doesnt mean its flowering


Well-Known Member
Looks more like a mutation
I’m gonna go with that one. Totally possible. I transplanted. It’s a female so I’m gonna keep her and see what happens. The seed bank I bought them from, I ordered 10 seeds. They sent me 20 of the strain that I ordered and two more feminized seeds of a random strain. I’m still not sure if they are a really cool seed bank or if they just sent me a bunch of bullshit.


Active Member
Im seeing a twisted up leaf on the lower portion on original post. Id assume light stress, and or heat stress.

The flowering metioned mine have done that as well. I belive it was fighting nute issues, mainly sulfer with bunched growing shoots with thin blades ect.. Zinc i believe can cause similar issues.
Correct me if wrong.