flowering question


Well-Known Member
Hi, My plant's been flowering under 12/12 for a few weeks now so obviously the buds are still quite small but alot of the hairs are turning brown already which is a bit of a concern as the buds are still small. Are these buds maturing too quickly? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Need pics dude and details actual age, what you feeding em, wot lights you using, temps, humidity...give us something to work on man....


Well-Known Member
i think that reason belong the strain... what strain yu grow dude ? and i think theres no problem, just that kind strain, maybe your plant, turn purple on the way to harvest or orange kind... :)

if yu dont know your strain keep the flowering at least 7weeks, 8 to 10 weeks max..
but nice to know what strain and photos too ;)


New Member
they are NOT ready yet. My buds are about the same size and they have brown hairs too. What you're waiting for is the rest of them to turn brown, depending on strain it could be different. Don't worry about it, and let them grow out a lot more.


Well-Known Member
just thought i'd add that this 125w cfl im using really doesnt penetrate right down through the plant. Does that cause slower growth?


Well-Known Member
more light, more better ;) but yeah those are not ready.. keep flowering! :) there is no problem man..


Well-Known Member
it depend's what sativa strain, and is it a rudealis ?? stiva/indica mix like 60%sativa/40%indica i say at least keep flowering 9-10 weeks, i think 10 to 12 weeks is approx.

and sativas flowering time is 8-16 weeks , usually it's 9-14weeks but it can be 16 weeks too...


Well-Known Member
I have a bit of a problem. It just seems like its stopped growing. There's really just no new development taking place. Help?