flowering question?


Active Member
So i had this little guy (maybe 15inches or less) that was pretty spindley and not much of a plant, that started flowering by accident. Turns out my little guy was a little girl. I was pretty happy and not expecting to much from a thing i found and threw in a pot, judiging when i tried to really grow from seeds etc. they all were dudes.

either way, so its flowering and i see probably 15 to 20 sets of white hairs, and its growing a bit. (the new leaves ony have 3 leaves on them, is this odd?) I can also see crystals forming on some of the leaves. But there is really nothing that resembles buds. I saw the first whites about 3 weeks ago maybe? a little longer. not quite sure. i know its early so im not worried ,but my concern is, some of thos (maybe 5-10 sets) white hairs have already turned red or shirvled small. Is this normal for the first ones? or is this bad bad bad?!! I have no idea what to expect. I can see there are more hairs getting ready to form so i dont know what to do!!!!

Thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
I have to ask is it SURF or is it FISH ?

Tell us about your setup, could you post some pictures of your plant ? Edit; like he said above


Active Member
yes yes, definatly will post pics when i get my camera tomarow!
i honestly couldnt tell you, and ill have to go count. Its only under 3 cfls.
ill let you know more tomarow, so please check back!