Flowering problems


So this plant (plant 1) i rescued from the outdoors (confirmed as northern lights) was a straggler and i brought her back to life, she was a clone of a female.

My friend also got bagged seed so i decided to grow one along side the northern lights to test it out see what it might be or how potent the seeds might be, which is plant 2.

Plant 2 is flowering and its a she :D yay haha im excited about it. But plant 1 isn't yet or isn't flowering as fast as plant 2 is. I dont know if it is the strands they are. I think i am at 1.5 weeks of straight 12/12 no interruptions. Pics below far left is plant 2 and the others are plant 1.

Any ideas? Wait it out, should it start flowering anytime now?


the seed might not be as muture as the clone,
the seeded one is the one thats flowering the clone is not, the clone is still vegging like mad its going through my lights again, and I have run out of room to tie it down.

So might be vise versa?


Active Member
one time when i grew that happin to me b4 i jus cut down the one that finshed first and let the other one keep budding until it was done jus wait it out it should be fine

Brick Top

New Member
It can take two full weeks or even slightly more of 12/12 in some strains before the hormones that start the flowering process by the light period change will fully kick in and then more time for it to be visable to the naked eye so I would say don’t start to worry yet. Just give it time.
Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither was Syracuse.


Well-Known Member
Diff strains take diff times to start flowering, like said previously just wait it out. Mother nature will do her stuff. Just a matter of time mate.