flowering probelm


Well-Known Member
well i did flush them with gh finale flush between feeding this past week and all so just ran water and just fed them today with higher nitrogen but i never feed how much they recommend but the last couple of feedings i think i did over feed so i cut back this feeding and add ca/mg


Well-Known Member
I think your on the right track now. Also, every grow does not go perfect, even if you have done it for years! Nice to see your not trying to be a robotic gardener! +Rep.


Well-Known Member
Oops, forgot to say, take some of the stress of the plant by moving the light away. It only takes a few days', or two feedings or so to start seeing them greening up! On my 1000's that I run in Air cooled shades, in middle row always show's signs of low N than the rest~ I up the lights a bit, and they turn greener. Just got to make sure that when you feed you do so with a safe PPM, with a little bit of dampness to your soilless or soil. Dont want to feed a plant nutrients when the plant is drying out or the medium. Your plant will take in more water than feed. Usually thats that way always. Anyways, trying to keep it short. Best luck!!!


Well-Known Member
thank you i took the plants out of the tent and the 1000 wattis now two feet above the tent so they look better all ready and i all so flush them with one gallon of water mix with gh flora clean for each palnt and am going to feed tuesday or would it be fine to feed tomorrow they day after the flush


Well-Known Member
Well, I would actually not flush the gh, but rather water twice in a row with a weaker feed. Than use a vitamax with straight water. After that, I would go back to a normal feed regime. But still keep the bulb away from the plants! About 24inch sounds good too.


Well-Known Member
No, I don't think you mess up.. You can use the flush by gh if you are locked up, but you gotta be sure. But its done and all you gotta do is make sure that when you mix your buckets or barrels that you get the pH corrected so that the plants have all the feed available. pH is easy now, but it changes with the season and their is still a degree of error with those ph pens. I have had best result's with my old one that I just changed the batterys. My friend bought a new one thats water proof and another friend bought one at the same time. They both read very different. They both stored in solution. Ironically my pen and the ph paper test right. I have two pens. I use them both to make sure I am right. I mix 55gallons at a time so I have to be sure. I also use a 1/3 hp pump to stir. It works very very good. Otherwise its eleven 5 gallon buckets! I have done it, not interested in watering like that anymore! It aslo more accurate to mix one large than eleven small lol. Your going to be fine! And you will find a more happy of a plant with out the intensity of that 1000 about a foot away. When you plant looks more yellow under the lights and leaf's droop a tad and look a little pinched inbetween the veins, it's usually because the lights to close and the leaves are also absorbing max light for it's conditions. Also room temps go down a bit when plants perform optimal!
Best of luck man! How she look now?


Well-Known Member
i ordered a ph pen and ph up and down but i have one of those ph things you stick in the soil and all the plants read 6.5 except the one that look the most yellow it was like 7 something but i flushed them like i sed and i fed them light with some super thrive


Well-Known Member
I had this issue in my last grow, and my experience is that it's more likely to happen if you have a big plant restricted in a smaller pot in which you have to supplement feeding too often. A bigger pot full of organic food definitely seems to help plants go green 'til the end in my experience (and produce lots of lovely nitrite-converting creepy crawlies which drop into the drip tray :D), although I have no experience measuring nutrient parts per million and all that. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
well i would think ten gallon pots are a big pot but i think i mess up by switching nutrients to gh organic line 2 weeks into flowering when the whole grow i was use flora nova series


Well-Known Member
Yea sure helps :) I used it on the outdoor. But what I am meaning to point out is, its easy to use it to much. I was told by both grow stores to be careful with superthrive, so I am just passing it on. I had no problem with it on my outdoor, thats because I was under using it mixing 500gallons at a time every 5 days, so I def was not mix nuts to full strength. I am sure its alright :)