flowering plant problem, any ideas?


Active Member
Hi, thanks for taking a look hopefully somebody know what is wrong.
I am on the 18th day of flowering and some of the bottom leaves on one of 2 plants are dieing. The bottom 2 singles have yellowed then died then 2 triple leafs died a few days later, now its been a week and my next big fan leaves are being affected. They are turning yellow. There are yellowing between veins on one leaf with tiny brown spots inbetween the veins. Also nothing much inbetween other then all then half way up all leaves are wilting, then near the top at 40" there is a little bit of bronze, browning near the tips of the little leaves.

Thanks for the input sorry no pics.


Active Member
yeah but I am using organic 1.5 4-5 nutes every water lately and my soil tester says fertility low in soil. You sure? I was kinda thinkin maybe the opposite. Thanks though, think I should cut back on nutes?


Well-Known Member
ya im thinkkin the opposite. maybe a little bit of nitrogen is needed. dont over do it though when flowering

The Ganj Father

Well-Known Member
yes, your plant is using stored up nitrogen, that is causing the yellowing of the leaves. increase your N just a bit to prevent any more vegitation loss for now, you will want to flush with plain water 2 weeks before harvest, then the rest of the vegitation will start to turn as the plant uses up all its stores of nutrients.


Active Member
Hi, im a noob to post...have a big momma plant about 5ft tall(...i wasnt really sure when to stop veg) shes now flowering and she is showing the same yellow droopy dieing bottom fan leaves and shes not close enough to harvest. I just wanted to know if this is lack of nutrients? or is it overwatering?....to me it would make sense if it were lack of nutrient. The tops of the plant are doing fine loving the 400w hps light although they seem stunted.(Im using soil by the way...miracle grow..and food spikes) i dont want this huge plant to go to waste please reply

The Ganj Father

Well-Known Member
I would say yor miracle grow and food spikes are up... like I stated above, your plant will use up its stored nitrogen first, since that is the easiest transferable nutrient to the plant. suppliment some N up until the last 1-2 week, then flush with a very mild flower solution to just plain water the last couple days.