flowering plant covered in dirt!!!


Well-Known Member
i had to transplant some plants just a minute ago for i expected root bound, there auto blue mystic and i there already flowering well i had to turn the plant upside down so the plant is covered in dirt, all the pistals should i be concerned?
it shouldnt effect the bud at all; and yes it will just eventually get blown off or fall off. I would lightly go over the buds with a vacuum though (lightly)
Maybe get like a cleaned out spray bottle and fill it with the standard water you use and spray it off. That might be gentler than a vaccuum cleaner...just a thought
yeah ill try it tmw hopefully it blows off i didnt want to have to transplant so late in the season but root bound was gonna effect the yeild and wasnt about to do all this work for little bit, i mean autos already doesnt produce that much.....
Use something like a turkey baster or anything similar and you should be able to blow
most of the dirt off. Just don't try a can of compressed air, that will freeze your bud.
A vacuum cleaner is too strong, will probably pull parts of your plant off with the dirt.