Flowering Outdoors Ignorance


Active Member
Im confused. I though when you grew outdoors you planted your indoor clones or seedlings after the last frost(April May). Thin they would grow all summer and through the beginning of fall then you would harvest them. So lately Ive been search outdoor and guerilla grows like crazy and have read many times where growers harvesting plants at the very beginning of summer. Now I dont want this, I want huge plants seven, ten footers or bigger. Can someone tell me whatz up? :wall:


Well-Known Member
growers who harvest at beginning of summer plant out in feb/mar and take the risk with frost. The days are getting longer even at this time of year but the long nights are enough to trigger flowering ,continue flowering untill mid may where if not harvested the buds will re-veg. Also the buds harvested this time of year are not as heavy as summer buds.


Active Member
If you really want monsters i would start vegging indoors around Dec-jan and not move anything outside until late june/early july.


Active Member
If you really want monsters i would start vegging indoors around Dec-jan and not move anything outside until late june/early july.
Thanks, that is good to know. I unexpectedly got a lot of seedlings and I dont even have a spot yet, but there is an area in mine. Only bad thing is there in reg. MG soil. I have no clue when to feed them, there not organic, and the drainage sucks. You cant push a finger in the soil that easy.
If you really want monsters i would start vegging indoors around Dec-jan and not move anything outside until late june/early july.
the only problem with this is that there is a hormone in the plant that is present throughout vegging to prevent flowering. when the light cycle changes, the flowering hormones are present and your plant starts budding. However, if you give it an extremely long veg season like this, some say the flower blocking hormone builds up in the plant and makes it harder for it to flower when the light changes.

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
If you have them on 24/0 in veg just the amount of darkness they receive when put out may be enough to trigger budding, if not it should occur within the month of august due to decreasing daylight hours


Active Member
I have them an hour longer than what Im getting outside, 15 hours, Not goin to put them out for a while.