Flowering of Sativas vs. Indicas


Active Member
My Sativa's are flowering sooner than my Indicas. I thought it to be the other way around...

I almost yanked my 8' OG Kush because I thought that she should have flowered BEFORE my Sativa Mixes.

Could it be that the Sativas are closer to the equator and are used to longer days?

When they get shorter days than they are used to, do they push to flower?

Indicas are used to shorter days and therefore are growing normal due to 38th parallel being the same as Afghanistan?

Am I confused?




I'm a noob but I've noticed something similar. I have an indica dom and a sativa dom plant. Although they both started flowering about the same time I've noticed the sativa plant got frosty alot faster. I'm hoping it has something to do with genetics and not that my indica is doomed to be frostless!!


Well-Known Member
Sativas take much longer to complete due to their equatorial origins. However true sativas are rare and some sativa dominant strains may have inherited the early flowering of its indica mate it was crossed with. The telling will be in trichome change. If it's "on time" at around 8 weeks with some amber trichs you can bet the indica in her dominates for flowering. The high? You'll just have to see now won't you?


Well-Known Member
You're going to flip out mid october when your indicas are finished and your sativas have a few more days/weeks left.


Active Member
Sativas take much longer to complete due to their equatorial origins. However true sativas are rare and some sativa dominant strains may have inherited the early flowering of its indica mate it was crossed with. The telling will be in trichome change. If it's "on time" at around 8 weeks with some amber trichs you can bet the indica in her dominates for flowering. The high? You'll just have to see now won't you?
So she'll finish before the Sativas even though she started flowering 2-3 weeks after they did? Or will the Indica sprint to catch up and surpass the Sativas?

I'm still screwed up.

Thanks all for the input!


Active Member
Homer, Sativa's in general take longer than indica's to mature. So even though your Sativa has started flowering sooner, it might not be done before the indica. Depending on when your indica goes into flower, they might end up finishing at the same time.


Active Member
Homer, Sativa's in general take longer than indica's to mature. So even though your Sativa has started flowering sooner, it might not be done before the indica. Depending on when your indica goes into flower, they might end up finishing at the same time.
Well darn! That means I have to wait it out. I got excited & jumped the gun on a couple of branches of the hybrid. I convinced myself that it is almost ready, but I know patience. I'm tryin' to have some...

I understand what y'all's talkin' 'bout! Thanks! I know what I have to do now... Go out & buy a bag and 1 more at harvest!